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Strategists Analyze Trump’s Campaign Challenges and Struggles

Donald Trump is noticeably reducing the number of campaign rallies as he prepares for the upcoming election, a fact he seems reluctant to acknowledge.

The former president is currently in a challenging race against Vice President Kamala Harris, who is gaining momentum and leading Trump by 2.4 points in recent national polling averages. Despite this shift in the political landscape, Trump has cut back on the frequency of his campaign events.

According to The Washington Post, Trump held 22 rallies between July 1 and August 10 in 2016, a drastic contrast to this year when he organized only eight rallies during the same period.

Although he continues to engage with local media in key swing states and grants interviews to sympathetic national outlets like Fox News, the noticeable reduction in campaign events has raised concerns about his overall campaign strategy.

At a recent press conference held at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump reacted defensively to a reporter’s question regarding his limited campaign activities. He dismissed the inquiry as “stupid.”

Experts in political strategy have suggested that this decreased frequency of rallies may stem from a variety of factors, including concerns about Trump’s unpredictable remarks and the potential for his controversial theories to alienate moderate voters.

Political strategist Evan Siegfried noted that limiting live rallies may be a strategic move aimed at damage control. He explained that fewer public appearances decrease the likelihood of Trump going “off script,” which often leads to the dissemination of conspiracies and controversial grievances.

“The real people who will decide this election reside in seven states that represent a narrow segment of the electorate,” Siegfried stated.

He emphasized that wild claims, such as Trump’s unfounded assertion that Harris “happened to turn Black” to win voter support, could not only distract from core issues but also alienate swing voters.

“These voters aren’t interested in Trump’s grievances; they typically find them off-putting,” he asserted.

Siegrid points out that Trump struggles with “message discipline,” unlike his running mate, JD Vance, who effectively remains on message during appearances.

Dr. Costas Panagopoulos, a political science professor at Northwestern University, shared similar concerns. He noted that there is always a risk of Trump making inflammatory statements while campaigning.

The current lull in campaign events may also be linked to security worries following a recent assassination attempt against Trump, in addition to his advancing age, Dr. Panagopoulos mentioned.

The Trump campaign, however, refutes claims of a slowdown in rally events. Campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt stated, “These so-called ‘strategists’ are entirely mistaken. President Trump is continually engaged, whether through rallies, fundraisers, lengthy press conferences, or media interviews.”

Still, Siegfried raised the alarm about Trump’s off-message posts on Truth Social, which may be heavily influenced by a narrow group of far-right individuals. He suggested that some of these individuals may provide Trump with dubious information that he fails to validate before sharing.

“Trump often interacts with people at his country clubs, where he encounters ideas that can be, to put it mildly, quite far-fetched,” Siegfried remarked.

During a recent campaign stop in Bozeman, Montana, Trump shared unfounded theories concerning Harris’s role in President Joe Biden’s alleged plan to step aside. He insinuated that Harris was involved in what he described as a “cabal” that facilitated Biden’s exit from office.

He claimed that there were efforts made to label Biden as mentally incompetent to justify his removal, suggesting a conspiracy at play.

At another event in Georgia, a crucial swing-state, Trump made repeated attacks against GOP Governor Brian Kemp, hinting at internal party conflicts.

Experts caution that a reduction in rallies could ultimately hinder Trump’s campaign. Dr. Panagopoulos pointed out, “Limiting rally exposure is not an optimal strategy because it restricts interaction with critical voters.”

He added that observers would likely discern a significant contrast in the energy levels between Trump and Harris.

“The difference is unmistakable, especially with one candidate actively engaging while the other seems to be retreating,” he concluded.

Source: The Independent