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Stripper Reveals the ‘Scary Truth’ About Men on Stag Parties

A stripper has revealed the unsettling truth about men’s behavior during stag dos, and it’s troubling news for those in relationships. Stag dos are notorious for their wild nature, and statistics suggest that up to 70 percent of Americans cheat on their significant others during stag and hen parties.

Hayley Davies, a former stripper, shares her perspective on this issue, claiming that “eighty percent of men will cheat at their bucks party.”

The 25-year-old Australian, now residing in America, recounts how her experiences at an Australian strip club changed her views on fidelity. “I worked in a strip club that frequently hosted bucks [stag] parties, and I would say that the majority of the grooms and their friends would at the very least try and make out with you,” she said [via New York Post].

Davies described how part of her routine involved using foam, which would get on the audience members. When she took them to get cleaned off, a staggering 80 percent would attempt to make a move on her.

She emphasized that while it’s not inherently wrong for men to visit strip clubs, it shouldn’t be seen as an excuse to cheat. Davies elaborated, “I think men who cheat on their partners don’t think strippers count as people. It is a fantasy and they don’t think it counts. You can tell by the way they talk about you.”

Davies is clear that she disapproves of men cheating, especially those on the brink of marriage. However, she believes it is not her responsibility to police their actions. “If [bucks] are going to cheat, they’re going to cheat. I don’t like it, but of course, I’m going to take their money. At the end of the day, it’s on them,” she explained.

Source: New York Post