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Susan Noles Shocks Kathy Swarts with Enthusiastic Fan

Kathy Swarts, once deemed the villain of Golden Bachelor, has found a surprising home on the Happy Hour podcast alongside her friend, Susan Noles. Their podcast has become quite popular, thanks in part to their deep dives and behind-the-scenes insights into the show. However, Kathy faced an unexpected twist when Susan blindsided her with a fan who had a very special question.

Despite not being chosen by Gerry Turner on Golden Bachelor—a decision influenced by Theresa Nist’s claim that Kathy had told her to “zip it” regarding her relationship with Gerry—Kathy has managed to grow on the audience. In fact, one fan seems to be particularly taken with her.

Kathy Swarts, ASKN, April, Susan, Kathy, and Nancy, The Golden Bachelor
Kathy Swarts, ASKN, April, Susan, Kathy, and Nancy, The Golden Bachelor

Kathy and Susan have attracted a loyal following on their podcast where they share insights and experiences from Golden Bachelor. Susan, who maintains a good relationship with both Theresa and Gerry, often provides interesting insights into the dynamics of the show.

This week on YouTube‘s Bachelor Nation, Kathy was wrapping up their podcast when Susan interrupted her with an unexpected question. Kathy initially seemed puzzled as Susan announced that there was another question to address, which she then proceeded to read out.

Kathy Swarts, Susan Noles - Bachelor Happy Hour - YouTube
Kathy Swarts, Susan Noles – Bachelor Happy Hour – YouTube

As Susan read the question, Kathy sat quietly. The question came from a Golden Bachelor fan known as “Papa Lou,” a pianist who said he is debt-free. He wrote:

This question is mainly for Kathy. She has mentioned on previous podcasts that no one has taken her up on asking her out on a date, but Papa Lou wouldn’t mind telling the world that I’d like to at least try. I’ll be 69 in September and I am a widower since January 2023. My wife and I were married for 43 wonderful years and had no children except for two pups. I’d be happy to send current photos and yes, they’re all untouched, it’s really me. I’ve slowly gotten back into dating a little, though I’m rusty at this…

Kathy’s reaction was priceless. Suddenly silent, she seemed genuinely interested as Papa Lou mentioned his musical talents. The episode ended just as she began to laugh happily, leaving viewers on a cliffhanger about whether she would accept his offer. For more, fans can check out the podcast on Spotify.

What’s your take on a fan asking Kathy out through the Bachelor Hour podcast? Was it sneaky of Susan Noles to spring this on Kathy? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and stay tuned for all your Golden Bachelor updates.

Source: TV Shows Ace, YouTube