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Tariffs, Low Taxes, and Explosive Growth: A Punitive Approach

“My plan will rapidly defeat inflation, quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth,” former President Donald Trump told top executives on Wall Street. | Alex Brandon/AP

In a bold address to top executives in New York on Thursday, former President Donald Trump presented an extensive economic strategy focused on lowering taxes, raising tariffs, and reducing regulation.

Speaking at the Economic Club of New York, Trump reiterated his commitment to cut back on business regulations, reduce taxes for companies that maintain production in the United States, and impose stiff tariffs on those that move jobs or production overseas.

In his vision, Trump aims to address inefficiencies in government by establishing a new commission inspired by Elon Musk. He also proposed creating a sovereign wealth fund, funded by tariff revenues, which would support infrastructure projects, childcare costs, and even contribute to the national debt.

“I am promising low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, secure borders, low crime, and rising incomes for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed,” Trump stated. “My plan will rapidly defeat inflation, quickly bring down prices, and reignite explosive economic growth.”

This speech comes at a time when Vice President Kamala Harris has been gaining ground in economic discussions with voters. Democrats are increasingly optimistic about economic conditions, as consumer sentiments improve and inflation fears begin to diminish.

However, both Trump and Harris are facing pressure to detail how their respective policies would rejuvenate an economy hindered by high living costs and increasing borrowing rates, which concern financial markets regarding potential growth slowdowns.

Addressing an audience filled with financial leaders, including prominent figures like John Paulson and Scott Bessent, Trump reflected on the achievements of his previous term while criticizing Harris’s approaches to immigration and economic policy. He asserted that her policies would lead to higher taxes and expand social safety programs.

“Kamala Harris will take more money out of American pockets,” Trump claimed. “My plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they currently have.”

He characterized her proposals to raise corporate taxes and levy taxes on unrealized capital gains for wealthy individuals as harmful to the economy. “If you happen to have substantial wealth but no cash, you’re in a lot of trouble,” he warned.

Additionally, Trump emphasized the significance of his proposed government efficiency commission aimed at identifying waste and fraudulent payments, proposing serious reforms. His collaboration with Musk on this concept emerged during their summer discussions.

According to Brian Hughes, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, “Today is a reaffirmation that President Trump loves the idea, and we’ll work with Mr. Musk and others to ensure we have it in place and truly analyze government functionality for efficiency and savings for Americans.”

While Trump engaged with Wall Street during recent discussions, there are apprehensions about his economic strategy, particularly as Harris criticizes his agenda as financially disastrous. His proposals to extend the 2017 tax cuts, lower corporate tax rates, and dismantle Biden-era regulations have helped rebuild relationships with business leaders who distanced themselves from him post-election.

However, his trade policies, including potential tariffs of up to 20 percent on imports and as high as 60 percent on Chinese goods, are raising concerns among bankers and analysts, who suggest that such measures could stifle economic growth and drive up prices.

This week, economists from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cautioned that the U.S. GDP could suffer if Trump were elected again—a prediction his campaign dismissed as being from “highly partisan” sources.

During his speech, Trump asserted that his policies would stimulate economic growth without inflicting the adverse effects that many economists fear could arise from them.

Previous advisers, like Robert Lighthizer, maintained that predictions about the negative impacts of tariffs during Trump’s first term did not materialize, suggesting that political intentions often overshadow economic consequences.

Lighthizer stated, “The primary goal of economic policy should be to enhance the size and wealth of the middle class. That is the ultimate objective.”

Yet, Harris has highlighted the potential negative economic implications of Trump’s trade policies, describing them as a “national sales tax” that could increase costs for American families and harm the economy.

During his address, Trump reiterated his plan to “end Kamala Harris’s anti-energy crusade,” pledging to significantly lower energy prices within his first year in office. He plans to declare a national emergency immediately upon taking office to expedite oil and gas drilling processes and boost domestic energy production.

With critical elements of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act set to expire next year, Trump is seeking to make his tax cuts permanent while proposing a reduction in corporate tax rates to 15 percent specifically for companies producing within the country. Conversely, Harris intends to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent.

“To strengthen American manufacturing, my plan includes expanded R&D tax credits, 100 percent bonus depreciation, and expensing for new manufacturing investments, while reducing the corporate tax rate to 15 percent for companies that produce their products in America,” Trump explained.

He warned that companies that outsource or replace American workers would be ineligible for this lower corporate rate and would face tariffs instead.

“Our message is clear: make your product here in America. Only in America,” he said.

Additionally, Trump committed to not taxing tips or Social Security benefits—a promise that resonates positively with many voters.

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