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Taylor Hawkins’ Death Intensified Dave Navarro’s Health Struggles

Jane’s Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro, who recently rejoined the band after battling long Covid for three years, opened up about how the death of Taylor Hawkins impacted him while he was already struggling with his condition.

Navarro, along with touring AC/DC bassist Chris Chaney, had completed work on their band’s debut album when Hawkins passed away in March 2022. This happened four months after Navarro was diagnosed with the long-term effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“I’d just completed making a record with Taylor Hawkins and Chris Chaney,” Navarro shared in an upcoming interview with Guitar World, referring to the album by NHC, which remains unreleased. However, two tracks from the project were released in 2021.

“We mixed and mastered it – and then we lost Taylor. That was in the middle of Covid, and it was actually very painful for me to pick up the guitar after that. … I didn’t pick up the guitar for about a year.”

Navarro described Hawkins as “such an inspiring artist,” noting that Hawkins was not only a phenomenal drummer, but also an amazing songwriter and lyricist. “He was just one of those humans that everybody loved. Everybody loved him,” Navarro added.

The guitarist shared how his grief over Hawkins’ death compounded his struggle with long Covid. “For the first year after losing Taylor, I didn’t play. …Then, about a year into it, I picked up the guitar, started playing some cover songs, and just kind of got used to the instrument in my hand again,” Navarro explained.

Earlier this year, Navarro finally returned to performing with Jane’s Addiction. The band is set to release a new single, “Imminent Redemption,” on July 24. This will be the first recording by the original lineup since 1990.

Source: Guitar World