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Tear-Jerking Netflix Documentary Wows Fans with Perfect 100% on Rotten Tomatoes

You are going to need a box of tissues for this one.

A new tear-jerking Netflix film, which boasts a perfect 100 percent Rotten Tomatoes score, has been released on the streaming giant.

Daughters has been dubbed the ‘most powerful documentary they’ve ever watched’ by captivated viewers.

The 2024 release features Aubrey, Santana, Raziah, and Ja’Ana preparing for a special Daddy Daughter Dance with their incarcerated fathers, as part of a unique fatherhood program in a Washington DC jail.

In-person visitation for these families has been systematically shut down across the US since 2014, replaced with video conference apps that families have to pay for.

The unique program involves dance, touch, and celebration that transcends prison walls.

Inside the jail, the documentary showcases the fathers participating in a 12-week Fatherhood Training Program, which prepares them for the dance’s intensity and the emotional fallout.

This hard-hitting production, an eight-year documentary journey by filmmaker Natalie Rae and Angela Patton, has been hailed by viewers who have flocked to review site Rotten Tomatoes to share their delight.

One user penned, “I can say this was the best documentary I’ve ever watched. Incredibly powerful. I was engaged and emotional the entire way through. The way the documentary was shot played a huge part in the way the film makes you feel. I can’t say enough about how moving this film was. Just wow. It definitely deserves an award if it hasn’t already received one.”

Another shared, “Very deep movie. Cast is really good. And good atmosphere throughout the whole movie.”

“We have a poignant perspective of the father-daughter incarceration bond,” commented another viewer.

“I couldn’t stop crying! Extremely powerful, emotional, beautiful and heartbreaking documentary. It validates Fathers, Daughters and Mothers being worthy and important, even in hard times. 10/10!” said one review.

“Incredibly powerful and moving. I dare you not to cry your eyes out. Would make the perfect double bill with Sing Sing. Two of the best films so far this year!” exclaimed another review.

Daughters has been dubbed the 'most powerful documentary they've ever watched' by viewers

Speaking of the production, Aghela said, “I would recommend you have a candle, tissues, water and that you just breathe. Take breaks if you have to, but we do want you to finish it, and then I want you to share it with someone else.”

The 2024 feature-length film was released on Netflix on Wednesday, August 14, and is one hour and 48 minutes long.

Source: MailOnline, Netflix