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Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, and ‘Cheers’ Cast Skipped Work for Risky Partying

Three members of the Cheers cast—Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, and George Wendt—recently reunited on the Where Everybody Knows Your Name podcast. During the episode, they reminisced about an adventurous trip they once took to Catalina Island, which also marked Ted’s first experience with mushrooms—a moment he ended up regretting, much to the amusement and concern of his Cheers colleagues.

The tale began with Woody offering Danson some hallucinogenic mushrooms while they were aboard John Ratzenberger’s new boat, the Boston Whaler. The trio admitted they had skipped work to test out John’s latest maritime purchase, his enthusiasm infectious enough to lure them all aboard.

Danson recounted how he consumed an excessive amount of the mushrooms because he was hungry, initially feeling fine but soon struggling to breathe. In his panic, he turned to Woody, who seemed entirely at ease—likely due to his prior experience with the drug.

Kelsey Grammer was also on the boat, though he slept through most of the trip despite the large waves left over from a recent hurricane. Danson’s distress peaked when he looked at Woody and did not see his friend, but “Woody The Skeleton.”

Throughout this turmoil, George Wendt became the unexpected anchor of sanity. Wendt had wisely refrained from partaking in the mushroom feast and, despite feeling seasick from the heavy waves, was strong enough to help Danson through his meltdown. When they finally made it back to shore, the group realized they were in serious trouble for having absconded without permission.

The harrowing experience did little to deter Danson from considering another round with the mushrooms, however. Speaking to his occasional indulgence, he maintained a humorous stance about giving it another go. Fans of Cheers who heard this anecdote can only hope for a reunion of the beloved cast, which, according to Danson, remains unlikely as they each excel in their current pursuits.

Despite the slim chances of a formal reboot, this escapade offered a delightful and personal glimpse into the lives of the actors who brought the iconic show to life. Their candid reflections on that wild trip to Catalina Island serve as a reminder of the close bonds forged during the making of Cheers and the enduring camaraderie among its cast members.

In today’s entertainment landscape, where reboots and nostalgia-driven projects are increasingly common, fans have speculated about the possibility of a Cheers revival. Yet, the very spontaneity and genuine nature of such anecdotes highlight what made the show special. The chemistry and shared experiences of the cast members are priceless, extending far beyond the screen into real-life adventures that they, and fans, fondly cherish.

Danson, Harrelson, and Wendt’s storytelling on the podcast underscores the enduring legacy of Cheers. Their tale of mischief and mushrooms on a voyage to Catalina Island may not spark a reboot, but it undoubtedly rekindles fond memories for fans. As they continue pursuing various endeavors, the spirit of camaraderie and adventure from their Cheers days remains alive, thanks to stories like this one.
