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Teresa Giudice Believes Joe Cheated on Her During Their Marriage

Teresa Giudice has some unresolved feelings about her marriage to her ex-husband, Joe Giudice.

During a recent episode of the podcast Reality with the King, the Real Housewives of New Jersey star reflected on her relationship with Joe and the persistent rumors of infidelity that plagued their time together.

Although she dismissed the rumors at the time, Teresa now believes they were true.

“I still ask him till today, ‘Just tell me, f—er,’ and he doesn’t tell me,” Teresa said. “I’m like, dude, he still f—ing won’t admit it.”

She continued, “Do I believe him? No! I don’t believe him.”

Teresa wants Joe to come clean, especially now that she has moved on with someone else. While the cheating allegations affected their 20-year marriage, it was Joe’s financial crimes, which led to her 2014 conviction of bankruptcy fraud alongside him, that set them on the path to divorce.

“I came home [from prison], Joe left three months later, and then my mom passed away, eight months later,” she recalled. “Five months after Joe left, my mom passed away. That’s when I knew it was over with Joe.”

Teresa admitted that losing her mother caused her to resent Joe for separating her from her family during her mom’s final years.

“I was so upset — I blamed him for losing time with my mom,” said Teresa, who shares daughters Audriana, 14, Milania, 18, Gabriella, 19, and Gia, 23, with Joe. “I lost out time with my mom. And, yeah, I know he didn’t mean to do it. He adored my parents. He really did. And of course, I forgave him.”

Despite the tumultuous times, Teresa believes they led her to her current husband, Luis “Louie” Ruelas.

“I kept asking God, ‘Why did I have to go through this?’ But I had to go through all this to meet Louie, and I really do believe that,” Teresa shared.

She credits her late parents for her chance encounter with Louie, after she prayed for them to bring her a “great guy,” which happened just weeks later near her home on the Jersey Shore.

“If you go through something bad and you don’t understand why, just don’t give up,” Teresa advised. “You’ll finally get your answer. I got my answer so many years later, and it was to meet Luis. I had to have my kids with Joe, which I have 4 beautiful daughters with Joe.”

Despite everything, Teresa acknowledged that her ex, who is now living in the Bahamas after being deported following his release from prison, was a “great husband” who “didn’t mean to hurt” her.

“It’s okay, I did what I had to do,” she maintained, expressing gratitude that Joe “tried to take the blame.”

“I worked out every day. I wrote my book, Turning the Tables. I did yoga … and I did go to jail, but it’s okay,” Teresa added. “I did it with a smile on my face because I knew in my heart I didn’t do anything.”

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Source: Reality with the King