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The Most Awful Actions Committed by the Jedi

One of the most infamous moments in the Star Wars saga occurs when Qui-Gon Jinn informs Shmi Skywalker that, despite his Jedi duty, he didn’t come to Tatooine to free slaves. Qui-Gon is able to use a mind trick on Watto to win Anakin’s freedom, but Anakin’s mother remains behind in bondage. Discussions could continue endlessly about Qui-Gon’s efforts to free her, or how any unauthorized attempt might have triggered her hidden slave bomb. Regardless, the stark issue remains — slavery, although morally reprehensible, falls outside the jurisdiction of the Republic and hence isn’t a primary concern for Jedi.

The pervasive evils within the Outer Rim are well documented. By the time of the prequel trilogy, the Jedi seem almost complacent with allowing these malignancies to persist. Government jurisdiction holds importance only if one considers the Jedi as mere tools of the Senate, a notion they continually reject. However, when circumstances become critical, it’s evident that their professed moral duty is routinely overshadowed by an allegiance to a corrupt bureaucratic system.

What takes precedence over the freedom of slaves for the Jedi? “Tales of the Jedi” provides some answers. The animated series illustrates that higher importance is placed on missions like retrieving kidnapped children of corrupt senators, who’ve consistently neglected their citizens and driven them into impoverishment. In one episode, Count Dooku and his then apprentice, Qui-Gon, are dispatched to rescue a senator’s kidnapped child. There’s no consideration of staying behind to help ensure a better future for the beleaguered citizens; once the hostage is secured, the Jedi are ordered to leave immediately, much to Dooku’s evident frustration.

It’s a pointed illustration of the Jedi’s priorities. “Tales of the Jedi” underscores how their mission parameters often eclipse the broader moral crusades they claim to undertake. The discrepancy between the Order’s stated ethos and their actions highlights a troubling dissonance. Whether their involvement could transform the lawless Outer Rim or not, their repeated withdrawal from situations where they could effect substantial change remains deeply problematic.

The Jedi Order’s commitment to the decrees and boundaries set by the Republic often means they operate within a relatively narrow scope of influence. Their apparent indifference to the suffering outside the Republic’s borders raises pressing ethical questions. It’s a conundrum that “Tales of the Jedi” brings to the forefront, questioning not just the tangible actions of the Jedi, but also their philosophical underpinnings.

This scenario also casts a shadow on the individual characters within the Jedi Order. Count Dooku, who later turns to the dark side, is shown visibly distressed by the limitations placed upon him by the Council’s orders. Qui-Gon Jinn, ever the maverick, still adheres to his directives even if they conflict with his moral compass. These complexities add layers to the understanding of what drives characters to break away from the traditional Jedi path. Indeed, it provides a backdrop for understanding how someone like Anakin Skywalker could be swayed to the dark side, seeing firsthand the inadequacies and constraints of the Jedi Order.

The recurring theme touches not just the macro-political levels within the Star Wars universe but also affects the micro-dynamics of individual lives. Shmi Skywalker’s plight is emblematic of the countless unnamed beings whose fates remain unchanged due to the Jedi’s rigid compliance with Republic jurisdiction. Qui-Gon’s relationship with Anakin, tainted by the very foundation that left Anakin’s mother a slave, seeds future conflict and dissonance.

In essence, Star Wars, through arcs like these, not only delivers compelling narratives but also opens up avenues to explore broader philosophical and ethical dilemmas. The predicament of Qui-Gon and Dooku in “Tales of the Jedi” exemplifies the often contradictory nature of the Jedi Order, serving as a microcosm for the larger systemic issues present within the galaxy far, far away.

Source: ScreenRant