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The Real Reasons Behind Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness’s Split

Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness shocked everyone when they announced the end of their nearly three-decade-long marriage. In their joint statement, they revealed their separation but didn’t delve into the reasons, leaving the public to speculate. But a celebrity matchmaker and relationship expert suggests the answer might not be complex.

The couple first met in 1995, got married a year later, and had two children during their seemingly drama-free union. Known for expressing their love publicly, Jackman once said marriage to Furness was a “walk in the park” and described her as the most optimistic person he had ever met. But in September 2023, after celebrating their 27th anniversary, they announced their separation to focus on their individual growth, according to People.

Amy Laurent, celebrity matchmaker and relationship expert, believes they might have grown apart and recognized it was time to move on. Remarkably, they managed to keep their parting drama-free.

When Hugh and Deborra-Lee ended their marriage, they emphasized that their family would remain their top priority. With Ava turning 18 the same year they announced their split, it raises the question of whether they waited for the right moment. Amy Laurent suggested this might be plausible. Empty nest syndrome often makes couples reevaluate their relationship, and sometimes, they realize they’ve grown apart.

“Once the children leave for college or their adult lives, couples who have grown apart realize they have nothing left to focus on but each other,” Laurent explained. “It’s like a muscle that hasn’t been used in years.”

Laurent suggests that while the couple had a seemingly perfect marriage, their intense focus on the kids might have strained their relationship. Without the kids needing as much attention, they could see the reality of their marital disconnect. “If you don’t put in the effort to maintain your marriage, it will deteriorate,” Laurent added. “It’s simply a fact.”

Post-split, Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness are still maintaining a close bond. They continue to celebrate milestones like birthdays together, prioritizing their family above all. Unlike many separated couples who avoid each other, Jackman and Furness seem committed to keeping each other in their lives.

Amy Laurent suggests this approach not only benefits their children but sets a positive example. “This is the best scenario you could hope for in a divorce,” she said. “If you’ve made your marriage ‘all about the kids,’ then during a divorce, it should still be ‘about the kids.’ This means providing stability and showing love and respect as a family unit, even if you no longer live under the same roof.”

Laurent also emphasized that how Jackman and Furness handle their post-divorce relationship will influence how their children approach future relationships. “It’s crucial to be respectful,” she said. “I applaud Jackman and Furness for exemplifying this.”

Source: Nicki Swift