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The Real Sinister Reason Kody Brown Made His Family Flee Utah

Undeniably, Sister Wives’ Brown family has shown their struggle with living in Utah. However, the sinister real reason Kody Brown made the family flee Lehi, Utah became apparent.

While the newest season of Sister Wives promises to be electric, the family has been through many drama-filled decisions since starting their reality TV series. Over the years, Sister Wives has revisited how the Brown family had to hurriedly flee Lehi, Utah out of fear of the police and an open investigation on polygamy. Undeniably, they were making bold moves to go on TV and tell the world about the ins and outs of plural marriage. However, those choices also seemingly made them a target for prosecution for their illegal lifestyle. But now the real sinister reason for them fleeing came to light.

Recently, questions about why the Brown family had to leave Lehi, Utah have surfaced. Many Sister Wives fans, despite having seen the series’ portrayal, believe there is a much deeper reason for quickly uprooting the family. One Reddit user expressed their confusion, “Why did the Browns REALLY leave Utah?” This user mentioned that having grown up in Utah, the justifications provided by TLC for the move to Vegas seemed inadequate. They speculated that had the family stayed, they might have lasted longer, despite potential self-destruction.

The user added many points about their own experience in Utah and how starkly different it is from what the reality TV show depicts.

After the post, fans weighed in on Kody Brown’s choice to take the family abruptly from Lehi to Vegas.

  • “They only lived in Utah for a handful of years, although they make it seem like they’d been there forever. They’ve all always loved to uproot the family.”
  • “The question isnt necessarily whyd they leave utah but why did they leave EVERYWHERE they lived after a few years – 17 times. And I believe money is the answer. I totally believe this theory.”
  • “Have you seen what they did to Christine’s grandpa? They imprisoned him and split up the family. I don’t know if it was warranted or not, but rest assured her family didn’t believe so and they raised her to fear the police.”
  • “I have a question for OP because I don’t live in that part of the country. Could being a polygamist on TV force officials to do something? The only thing that I can compare it to is the current moonshine trade in my area. We all know illegal alcohol is being made, but you don’t open a roadside stand for it you are left alone.”
  • “Honestly, Utah doesn’t really fuss over the polygamists, unless they’re doing underage marriages or welfare fraud. The ones that have been arrested, usually are charged for welfare fraud more than anything. The Browns may have done this, if they were really being investigated. The wives file as single mothers, and get WIC, food stamps, etc. when they’re not really single.”

Other fans are knowledgeable about the reason behind Kody Brown moving the family based on what they know about Utah. Furthermore, they believe there is a much more sinister reason for the move.

  • “This was my thoughts. ‘If’ there was an investigation at all, it would be for welfare fraud. I think all the mothers got food stamps and medical assistance for the kids and King 💩 was prancing around….’look at me. I got this great job, drive around in sports cars, got TLC 💰💰💰’ and the state went ‘whoa there, buckaroo, how come you’re living the high life and WE’RE subsidizing your kids?’”
  • “The biggest threat was an investigation into abuse of social services. And the state could have made Kody start child support payments and force him to repay benefits that the wives and children got as a single mother household.”
  • “I always figured it was more of a don’t ask/don’t tell situation and by going public they ‘told.’ I don’t think Utah really cares about polygamy as long as people keep it on the down low and aren’t marrying off children. So, I never really bought the Utah was going to prosecute them for polygamy, I do suspect there was some welfare fraud that might have come to light in an investigation.”

Additionally, another user gives Sister Wives viewers information about Kody Brown’s penalty by law for welfare fraud.

  • “It would be felony fraud if any individual mother received over $1,500 in benefits that they should not have received. Esp if Janelle and/or Christine received cash benefits for dependent families. It is supposed to take the place of ‘child support’ from the bio father. In order to get that, they’d have to not list Kody as the father on the birth certificate and sign under oath that they didn’t know who the father was for each of their children. Pretty much every state pursues that type of fraud very aggressively.” Then, the user further adds, “Penalties for Welfare Fraud in Utah If the total value is at least $1,500 or greater but still under $5,000, it will be charged as a felony of the third degree punishable by a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison and fines no more than $5,000.”

What do you think? Do you think the sinister reason behind Kody Brown moving the family was that they were committing welfare fraud and didn’t want the penalty? Do you believe they would do that? Or do you think it was completely to escape the police who knew they were in a plural marriage after going public? Are you ready to see the new episode of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.

Source: source names