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The Roger Corman Sci-Fi Film Heavily Influenced by James Cameron

In December 2023, Zack Snyder’s sci-fi epic “Rebel Moon” premiered on Netflix to a lukewarm response from critics and audiences alike. The story revolves around a rebel named Kora who embarks on a mission across the galaxy to find warriors to defend her home, a planet poised to fall victim to an evil Empire aiming to steal their grain and starve the locals.

The narrative of “Rebel Moon” draws heavily from Akira Kurosawa’s 1954 classic “Seven Samurai.” Similarities are evident, including the crucial plot point involving stolen grain. Critics familiar with cinema history might also draw parallels to “Battle Beyond the Stars,” a 1980 sci-fi film inspired by “Seven Samurai.” Directed by Jimmy T. Murakami and written by John Sayles, the film follows Shad (Richard Thomas) as he assembles a diverse team of warriors to protect his planet from the villainous Sador (John Saxon), who uses grotesque surgeries to extend his life.

The film features a vibrant array of characters, including a Valkyrie, a blind swordsman, and a space cowboy, making it an engaging watch despite its modest $2 million budget. The visual effects were crafted by James Cameron, then a model maker for Roger Corman’s New World Pictures. In a 2022 interview with The Ringer, Corman recalled Cameron’s exceptional skills, which even earned him a rare raise from Corman.

Roger Corman was known for his efficiency in filmmaking, often boasting that he never lost money in Hollywood. If a project lagged behind schedule or threatened to exceed its budget, Corman would intervene promptly. The shooting of “Battle Beyond the Stars” proceeded smoothly, but post-production faced delays due to the complex visual effects.

To address this issue, Corman sent his trusted assistant, Gale Anne Hurd, to investigate. Hurd, who would later become a prominent Hollywood producer, found a young James Cameron at the helm of the effects department. Impressed by Cameron’s dedication and the intricate backstories he had crafted for each spaceship, Hurd reported back to Corman, recommending that Cameron take a more significant role.

“I was making a science-fiction film. I think it was called Battle Beyond the Stars. And the shooting went very well. We were in post-production. Everything was going along well, except our [visual] effects department was falling behind schedule. So I sent my ace assistant, Gale Hurd, down to the studio to watch the [visual] effects for a day and then tell me why they were falling behind schedule.”

Upon visiting the effects department, Hurd met Cameron, who provided a detailed tour and explanation of his work. Recognizing his potential, Hurd recommended that Corman promote Cameron, a suggestion that Corman took seriously.

“Not only did [Cameron] show me around, but he explained the backstory for each of the ships and what it represented for the culture of that alien species. It was far beyond ‘Isn’t this cool? We just decided to do something that looks cool.’ It all came from character.”

Hurd returned with glowing praise for Cameron, catching Corman’s attention. Corman decided to meet Cameron and, after a brief discussion, was equally impressed. He offered Cameron a raise and made him the new head of special effects, a move that was nearly unheard of from the frugal producer.

“I talked with him for a little while, and I said, ‘Jim, this is something I’ve never done. I’m giving you a raise, and you’re going to be the new head of special effects.’ In addition, there’s always a little second-unit shooting that you do so that they can take care of some shots that your main crew doesn’t do. So I said, ‘Jim, I’d like to have you shoot some shots for me.’ And he showed me the footage, and I thought, ‘This is better than the director of the picture.’ I moved a lot of shooting over to the second unit, and Jim directed all of it.”

Much of the remarkable visual work seen in “Battle Beyond the Stars” can be attributed to the future director of “Avatar,” James Cameron. His innovative approach and dedication significantly contributed to the film’s impressive look, ensuring its place in the annals of sci-fi cinema history.

Source: Slashfilm