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The Tragic Tale of Hallmark Star Kimberly Williams-Paisley’s Neck Scar

Kimberly Williams-Paisley might not be making daily headline appearances, but when she does, it’s usually something worth talking about. The “Father of the Bride” star became the talk of the town when she and her husband, Brad Paisley, brought their dream of opening a free grocery store to life. When she was spotted having lunch with Meghan Markle in Montecito, fans speculated that they might be the latest celebrity BFFs. But in August 2024, Williams-Paisley found herself back in the spotlight for a less glamorous reason — she revealed she had undergone major surgery that left her with a rather gnarly-looking neck scar.

The Hallmark actor took to social media to drop a health update, sharing a series of no-filter hospital snaps. As it turns out, she had to go under the knife to fix her laryngeal nerve — an injury she got a few years back while passionately advocating for her late mom’s medical cause. “I lost my voice on stage at my Alzheimer’s event in Nashville. It was embarrassing & scary & it never quite came back,” she wrote in an Instagram post. “I was finally able to have surgery this week… with expert surgeons, & it is sounding so much better!! I have a badass scar that’s smiling at me across my neck.”

But while Williams-Paisley tried to keep things light, she didn’t shy away from admitting that living with a compromised voice wasn’t easy. For years, she had to bite her tongue — literally — even when she had plenty to say, which really drove home how much she had taken her voice for granted.

Kimberly Williams-Paisley didn’t just share the physical toll of her damaged laryngeal nerve — she also got real about the emotional rollercoaster it put her on. According to the star, being literally forced into silence didn’t exactly do wonders for her self-esteem. “I’ve been the quietest in the room. I’ve felt meek. New people I’ve met thought I was a shy or reserved person. I’ve felt trapped in my body,” she confessed on Instagram. But in true Kimberly fashion, she didn’t let it break her. “I’ve become a serious meditator. I’m deadlifting over a hundred pounds. I’m taking better care of my body. I’m managing stress,” she said. “I’m dissolving shame. I’m feeling more whole, empowered & joyful.”

Of course, her celebrity friends flooded the comments with support. Her sister, Ashley Williams, couldn’t be prouder, writing, “I have witnessed first hand the daily strength of my sister through this journey and you all: WHAT. A SHOW.” Sheryl Crow jumped in, “You are my hero!…Thank you for sharing this experience with all of us!” And her husband, Brad Paisley, decided to throw in a little joke. “This will be a great new chapter. Also I will miss the silence,” he quipped.

Now, Williams-Paisley is ready to close this chapter of her life with the love of her friends and fans lifting her up. “I’m feeling validated and seen and ever more grateful,” she wrote in another post. “Recovery is on track and I’m feeling really good.”

Source: Nicki Swift