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This Deadpool & Wolverine Mystery Consumes My Thoughts

Image: Marvel Studios

Deadpool & Wolverine pose numerous enticing mysteries, one of which has been particularly captivating and continuously discussed. Deadpool’s relentless curiosity about why Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will cry over him in the future is a recurring thread throughout the movie that remains unresolved. This gag, while humorous and consistently referenced, leaves a significant plot detail open, hopefully to be addressed by the conclusion of Avengers: Secret Wars.

The essence of Deadpool 3 is to merge Deadpool into the MCU’s main reality, allowing collaborations with the Avengers. Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) tagging along introduces the possibility of future joint adventures. However, this outcome lies in the realm of speculation, with no official confirmation from those involved in the production. Nonetheless, answers to these lingering questions from Marvel are eagerly awaited since they were not provided in the movie.

Wade Wilson’s obsession with Thor’s tearful future reaction drives a hilarious but unresolved plot. The question of why Thor might cry over Deadpool remains unanswered, leaving room for theories and speculations about potential deaths, despite the nearly immortal Deadpool and godly Thor.
Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Mr. Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen) at the TVA.

There’s also a significant scene involving the TVA capturing Wade, where Mr. Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen) calls Deadpool “special” and chosen for a “higher purpose.” This suggests that Deadpool might play a crucial role in safeguarding the Sacred Timeline, possibly hinting at events yet to be avenged. This recruitment sets the entire plot of Deadpool & Wolverine into motion as Deadpool discovers the impending doom of his universe and embarks on a quest to save his reality.

Throughout the movie, the exact nature of Paradox and the TVA’s intentions with Deadpool remain ambiguous. Paradox’s potential scheme to restore the TVA to its former glory while being aware of its greater mission adds to the intrigue without necessarily deceiving Deadpool.

The scene with Deadpool and Thor observed by the TVA suggests that Paradox recognizes Deadpool as a key player in crucial future events. The altered future of Earth-10005, resulting from Deadpool and Wolverine’s actions, showcases the delicate balance of timelines and the possibility of altering them with significant consequences.

Paradox’s motivation could be a pragmatic move to keep Deadpool, someone who can tip the scales, within reach, sustaining access to him as a resource for the TVA. Despite Paradox’s treacherous activities, saving Deadpool might have been part of his covert strategy to amass influence within the TVA.

Conversely, when Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) intervenes, she perceives Deadpool as an anomaly that needs restoring to his origin. This contradicts Paradox’s view of Deadpool as crucial to the TVA’s objectives, suggesting internal TVA conflicts regarding Deadpool’s significance.

Ultimately, Paradox might have simply been attempting to recruit a resilient and unkillable mercenary under false pretenses, thereby setting Deadpool up for manipulation. However, if Paradox underestimated Wade, it resulted in chaos rather than cooperation, shaping the chaotic trajectory of the Deadpool & Wolverine plot.
Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) in Deadpool & Wolverine trailer 1.

The ongoing contemplation of the early dialogue between Paradox and Wade sparks speculation that the TVA’s intentions towards Deadpool will need clarification as the Secret Wars storyline progresses. Events in Doomsday might compel the TVA to enlist heroes like Deadpool and Wolverine to safeguard the Sacred Timeline and its manifold realities.

The post-credits scene in Deadpool & Wolverine endows hope. Deadpool’s continued access to the TVA and his endeavor to clear his name for Johnny Storm’s death suggests a functional alliance, hinting at further developments in future Marvel narratives.

Source: BGR