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This Will End Eventually

Every passing day might seem like just another in a never-ending stream of time, but for actress, singer, mother, and grandmother Rita Moreno, thoughts of mortality are frequent—particularly regarding what it means for her family when she eventually departs, especially her daughter Fernanda.

The West Side Story star celebrated her 92nd birthday last winter. As she approaches another significant milestone on December 11, she has opened up about the personal, familial aspects of her life. With a career spanning over eight decades, she cherishes the deep bonds she has formed with her family through generations while reflecting on the future and savoring every moment.

From 1965 until his passing in 2010, Moreno was married to Leonard Gordon. They have one child together, Fernanda, who is now 57. Through Fernanda, Moreno has two grandchildren. She takes pride in her transparency within her relationships, an attribute she shares with Fernanda and the rest of her family, which allows for open, honest conversations on a range of topics. This openness is part of what makes her family so precious to her.

“It’s the best thing in the world,” Moreno shared enthusiastically. “When my grandsons [Justin, 25, and Cameron, 23] were born, I could have died with happiness. I’m just so lucky that we’ve gotten to know each other so well.”
Rita Moreno has thought about mortality and is aware of how her family must think about it too / Niko Tavernise / © 20th Century Studios / Courtesy Everett Collection

Moreno maintains an open mind toward all possibilities, finding this outlook rewarding. Speaking about her daughter, The King and I star said, “I’m constantly calling upon her to do things. I have a problem with remembering names, names of things and names of people. It’s so much a part of being 92 right now.”

She continued, “There are times when I need her wisdom, and they are more often than you might think, particularly at this age. Ninety-two is not easy in many ways, and it’s something that’s difficult to understand.”
Rita Moreno treasures the strong bond she has with her family, including daughter Fernanda, and the candid conversations they can have / Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency

Moreno is mindful of her age and how it might affect her family, even though such discussions are often reserved for her and Fernanda. “I think that as you, the parent, gets older, I believe that the child has to be thinking about, ‘Well, at some point this will end,’” she said thoughtfully.

She explained further, “It’s not something that Fernanda and I sit and discuss, but I just know that she has to think about that. I think we’re both pretty brave about it. Well, we’re really honest—very, very honest with each other.”
At 92, the West Side Story actress boasts a career that spans over eight decades / AdMedia
