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Tiger Injures Handler in Attack at Australian Theme Park

In a concerning incident at an amusement park in Australia, a tiger bit an animal handler on the arm. The event occurred on Monday at Dreamworld, located in Coomera, Queensland. Following the incident, emergency services were alerted and the woman was transported to Gold Coast University Hospital. Thankfully, she was reported to be in stable condition.

The Queensland Ambulance Service’s director, Justin Payne, provided details about the incident, indicating that the staff at Dreamworld acted swiftly to manage the woman’s bleeding before the ambulance arrived just before 9 a.m. The amusement park typically opens at 10 a.m. and the staff were able to respond quickly.

According to Payne, the victim, a 47-year-old experienced animal handler, suffered serious lacerations and puncture wounds from the tiger. Although she appeared pale and felt unwell, he reassured that she was generally in stable condition.

In an official statement, Dreamworld referred to the tiger attack as an “isolated and rare incident,” promising a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the attack. The park is known for both its thrilling rides and its animal exhibits, making visitors aware of the extraordinary wildlife displayed there.

Dreamworld is celebrated as the largest theme park in Australia and features a section known as “Tiger Island,” which is home to a collection of nine Sumatran and Bengal tigers. The park’s promotional materials highlight the opportunity for visitors to witness the raw power of these majestic animals, particularly during feeding times, which draws large audiences.

It is important to note that tiger attacks in mainstream theme parks or zoos are exceptionally rare. There have been instances in the past, including a tragic incident in 2020 at Zurich’s zoo, where a female keeper lost her life after being attacked by a Siberian tiger. In the previous year, a 7-year-old Sumatran tiger injured a female zookeeper at a Kansas zoo, underscoring the risks that can accompany interactions with wild animals in captivity.

As investigations continue, Dreamworld has not disclosed additional details about the circumstances of this incident or what measures may be implemented to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Animal welfare and safety protocols at such facilities are usually put under scrutiny following such events, as they seek to balance the needs of the animals with the safety of their handlers and visitors.

Handling wild animals, even in controlled environments, always carries inherent risks. Animal handlers undergo significant training and generally possess extensive experience in managing these powerful creatures. However, despite their knowledge and skills, unpredictable behaviors from wild animals can lead to unforeseen situations, as evidenced by this unfortunate incident.

The incident at Dreamworld serves as a reminder of the importance of awareness and safety measures for both animal handlers and those who visit facilities featuring wild animals. As more information unfolds, both the park and the public will be keenly interested in the findings of the investigation.

While this occurrence might raise concerns among potential visitors to Dreamworld, it serves to highlight the ongoing discussions around the management of wild animals in captivity and the responsibilities of such attractions to ensure both the safety of animal handlers and guests.

Source: AFP