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TikToker Alex Peter Fired Immediately After Posting Office Tour Video


Many of our favorite TikTokers and influencers have built full-time careers out of content creation. Occasionally, you’ll find a popular creator who supplements their online presence with income from a conventional job. One such creator is Alex Peter, known online as LOLOverruled, famous for his humorous skits and legal anecdotes.

The Columbia Law School graduate and lawyer-turned-TikToker used to have a normal job until he posted an office tour and was fired immediately.

Yes, immediately—they didn’t even let him finish the workday.

So, where did he work, and what exactly went down? Here’s what we know.

In a TikTok posted on August 15, Alex Peter gave fans a tour of his company’s “new office in the Bronx.” The video, which has been viewed over 350,000 times, showcased an office that was, frankly, rather grimy.

“This is the window,” he laughed, pointing to a dirty, metal-covered window that looked out at the wall of another building just a few feet away. The window also had a nest of baby pigeons.

He then showed a large hole in the ceiling covered by taped-up cardboard boxes: “This is the giant — well, we don’t really look at this.” Finally, he took his camera to the bathroom, revealing a bathtub and a ladder for some reason.

He concluded with, “That’s the tour. I hope you like it.” However, it seems his company didn’t appreciate the humor.

Only an hour or so later, Alex posted a stitch to his original video, where he was walking down the street and laughing in disbelief. “They fired my a– for this,” he told the camera. “Not kidding. They f—king fired my a–. This is why you need to unionize your workplace, guys.”

Many fans expressed shock at his firing, rallying behind him in the comments and even finding humor in the situation. “Getting fired is actually very demure, very cutesy,” one person noted, referencing a popular internet meme.

Though Alex didn’t name his employer in the videos, a glance at his LinkedIn page shows he was working as a Staff Attorney at The Legal Aid Society in New York from July 2022 until July 2024. Given the timing of his videos in August and his mention that the office was new to him, it can be assumed he had recently started a new job.

His LinkedIn bio currently lists him as a Staff Attorney at the Neighborhood Association for Inter-Cultural Affairs.

On TikTok, Alex is known for providing (unofficial) legal advice and offering his professional perspective on various real-world scenarios. As a graduate of Columbia Law School, he has a wealth of experience in his field, having worked with Paul Hastings, the Center for Popular Democracy, and even Google.

Source: Distractify