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Tilda Swinton and Julianne Moore Explore Life and Friendship in Almodóvar’s Film

Tilda Swinton and Julianne Moore delve deep into their admiration for Pedro Almodóvar.

The revered Spanish director, known for iconic films like Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, All About My Mother, and Volver, is premiering his first English language feature at the 81st Venice Film Festival. The film, titled The Room Next Door, is an adaptation of Sigrid Nunez’s novel What Are You Going Through.

In this poignant story, Moore stars as Ingrid, a best-selling writer who reconnects with her friend Martha, played by Swinton. As they reminisce and share their love for art and movies, Martha, who is battling terminal cervical cancer, expresses her desire to die with dignity, asking Ingrid to be present when she takes a euthanasia pill.

Swinton, at the movie’s press conference in Venice, shared her thoughts on death and the film’s theme. “I’m personally not frightened of death and I have never been,” she stated. “One of the things this film portrays is self-determination, someone who decides to take her life and her living and her dying into her own hands.”

Moore highlighted the film’s celebration of love and friendship, especially emphasizing the rare depiction of female friendships among older women in cinema. “What is compelling about this film and Pedro’s lens is that it showcases female friendship in a profound way, which is rarely seen,” she expressed.

She continued to discuss the depth of Martha and Ingrid’s portrayal. “Romantic and familial relationships are often highlighted, but the significance of friendship cannot be overstated. Pedro’s decision to elevate this relationship to show it as a love story is truly extraordinary.”

Swinton also praised Almodóvar’s directorial talents. She recounted a moment when she told the director she would do anything to work with him, even learn Spanish. “He remains the master he has always been, and his dedication and discipline are awe-inspiring,” she remarked.

Almodóvar, in turn, praised his lead actresses. “They understood exactly the tone I wanted to tell this story,” he shared at the press conference. “I was very lucky to see the festival they created together, Tilda and Julianne, as two wonderful actresses.”

The Room Next Door premiered on Monday night at the Venice Film Festival and is set for its U.S. premiere as the centerpiece selection for the 2024 New York Film Festival on October 4.

Source: Variety, The Hollywood Reporter