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Tim Curry’s First Movie Role in 14 Years Unveiled

Tim Curry is set to return to the silver screen after a long hiatus, starring in the new movie Stream. This marks Curry’s first big-screen appearance in over a decade, following his last feature film Burke & Hare in 2010. Known for iconic roles in classic films such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Clue, and the IT miniseries, Curry’s return is a significant event in the entertainment world.

Having centered most of his recent career on voice acting, Curry’s last live-action performance was in the 2016 TV remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show on FOX. After suffering a stroke in 2012, Curry has faced challenges with mobility, which made his leap back into live-action even more anticipated by fans.

The excitement surrounding Curry’s involvement in Stream is palpable. Director and producer Michael Leavy expressed his enthusiasm in a statement, saying, “This has been a really hard secret to keep and contain our excitement, especially for this long. We are so happy and thrilled to bring Tim back to the movies and back to the big screen! His charm always radiates and shines through everything he does and we are so honored to have him a part of Stream!”

Leavy added that working with Curry has been a personal highlight of his life, citing Curry as a major influence growing up. “We can’t wait for fans to sit back and enjoy our movie in theaters and hopefully with a huge crowd having a blast together! This is the way horror films are meant to be seen and enjoyed. Stream is here to entertain!”

Despite his absence from feature films, Curry has remained connected with his fanbase, making appearances at conventions and participating in press events for his various animated projects. Last year, he shared insights during an interview about the anniversary of Clue, mentioning an unused ending where his character was the killer.

“I ran around the house killing everybody,” Curry recounted to Empire. “It wasn’t funny enough… It ended the film on an anti-climax. So I just took it out. Three was enough.” Additionally, Curry noted how dedicated Clue fans often dress as the characters, something he found familiar from his experiences with Rocky Horror conventions.

The plot of Stream involves the Keenan family, who, in an effort to bond, find themselves in a life-or-death situation. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the family’s odds of survival are grim.

Stream is set to open Wednesday in select theaters, marking a significant return for one of Hollywood’s beloved icons.

Source: Variety