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TLC Cancels Weekend Concerts Due to T-Boz’s Hospitalization

TLC had to cancel their concerts in New York and Connecticut over the weekend after T-Boz, whose real name is Tionne Watkins, fell ill and was hospitalized. Initially thinking it was food poisoning, T-Boz later discovered she was suffering from an abdominal blockage, as reported by TMZ. This health issue led the beloved R&B group to cancel their Friday performance at the NY State Fair in Syracuse and their Saturday show at Foxwoods in Connecticut.

Fans who were eagerly waiting for the show on Friday were informed about the cancellation through a large screen message just 30 minutes before TLC was set to perform. The statement read, “Unfortunately, tonight’s TLC performance has been canceled due to T-BOZ experiencing severe illness. We wish her a quick recovery.”

Video journalist Katrina Tulloch shared the news on Twitter, noting the disappointment among the fans. Tulloch tweeted, “Whole lotta TLC fans disappointed tonight. Their free @NYSfair concert was canceled suddenly. At 7:30 p.m., this message went up. T-Boz has food poisoning. (TLC drew a crowd of 30,000 at the 2022 fair.)”

Following the Friday concert’s cancellation, TLC issued a statement clarifying that the illness was not food poisoning but an abdominal blockage. They expressed deep regret for having to cancel the shows and apologized to their fans and event promoters. T-Boz remained hospitalized on Saturday, leading to the cancellation of the Connecticut concert. She was expected to be released from the hospital on Sunday.

This isn’t the first time TLC has had to cancel shows on their current tour. In May, the duo had to cancel a couple of shows in Canada due to a flu outbreak among the tour members.

T-Boz has been transparent about her ongoing health struggles related to sickle cell disease, a condition she was diagnosed with at birth. She opened up about her battle with the disease in her 2017 memoir, “A Sick Life.” She explained, “When you have sickle cell, your red blood cells get stuck on their way around your veins, causing blockages and stopping the oxygen from getting to your vital organs.”

She further elaborated, “Where there’s a lack of oxygen, you can go into a crisis, an attack of severe pain, sometimes located only in a certain spot and sometimes all over your body. Often, it’s hard to breathe or, walk or even do something as basic as holding a pen. A crisis can happen without any warning. Just, bam! You’re in the hospital again.”

In 2020, T-Boz spoke about how CBD has helped her manage her sickle cell symptoms. “Someone suggested CBD, and I tried it. At first, I didn’t feel any different, but then I started noticing that I was feeling stronger. I wasn’t getting as sick as often, and I don’t even have a good working spleen,” she shared with Ebony. “Your spleen is what helps you fight off colds and diseases. I lost my spleen, but I grew two accessory spleens, which is totally crazy. I didn’t know you can grow an organ back. God has been looking out for me! Anytime someone around me had a cold, I would always catch the cold to the 10th power, but now [I’m not] even catching cooties (laughs).”

T-Boz has even launched her own CBD line, TLCBD, which includes a balm, CBD tincture, and beauty oils aimed at reducing wrinkles.

We wish T-Boz a swift recovery and hope to see TLC back on stage entertaining their fans soon.

Source: TMZ, Ebony