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Tom Cruise’s Best 11 Stunts Ranked: Jumping Off a Stadium at Paris Olympics

Tom Cruise jumps from the roof of the Stade de France at the end of the Paris Olympics.

Tom Cruise has made a name for himself as a legendary Hollywood actor, not just because of his film roles but also due to his penchant for performing his own stunts. His career, spanning from the 1980s to the present, showcases a range of daring acts that have left audiences in awe.

Throughout his illustrious career, Cruise has consistently raised the bar when it comes to action sequences. From hanging on the side of an airplane to scaling skyscrapers, his commitment to authenticity is evident in many of his films, including blockbuster hits like “Top Gun,” “Mission: Impossible,” and “Minority Report.”

Recently, he made headlines at the closing ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics after completing a jaw-dropping jump from the roof of the Stade de France. This stunt added to his long list of breathtaking moments, blending spectacle and showmanship in a way only Cruise can achieve.

One exhilarating stunt was featured in the 2017 film “The Mummy,” where Cruise filmed a cargo-plane crash sequence inside a NASA aircraft used for astronaut training. Rather than relying on special effects alone, he experienced a zero-gravity environment, free-falling for 22 seconds to capture the realism of the scene.

In “Mission: Impossible — Fallout,” the actor took on another extraordinary challenge. He dedicated an extensive 16 hours a day to train and acquire the necessary skills to fly a helicopter solo for a high-stakes chase scene. Not only did he fly, but he also executed a 360-degree corkscrew dive, showcasing his extraordinary ability to blend acting with real-life skills.

For “Top Gun: Maverick,” Cruise and the cast underwent rigorous training in F/A-18 jets, where they experienced the physical effects of G-forces during flight. The team’s dedication to realism was evident as they prepared to enhance the authenticity of their dogfight scenes.

The high point of his recent exploits included that memorable jump during the Olympic ceremonies. Delivering a performance reminiscent of the characters he often portrays, Cruise leaped off the Stade de France, thrilling thousands who gathered for the event and aptly marking the transitory handover of the Olympic flag to Los Angeles for the 2028 games.

Reflecting on more of his career highlights, one particularly memorable stunt involved climbing a 2,000-foot cliff for “Mission: Impossible 2.” Performing this scene in Utah, Cruise relied solely on a safety rope, exhibiting both bravery and skill.

In “Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation,” he pushed the limits further by holding his breath for an astounding six minutes while retrieving a crucial item underwater. For this scene, Cruise jumped off a 120-foot ledge, demonstrating his unyielding commitment to each role.

Sometimes, his daring antics have led to real-life challenges, as seen when he broke his ankle while jumping between buildings during another scene in “Mission: Impossible — Fallout.” Despite doctors’ warnings, he swiftly returned to the set within weeks, proving his resilience and commitment to his craft.

Another monumental feat occurred while filming “Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol,” where Cruise famously climbed the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. This moment showcased an extraordinary dedication to pushing physical boundaries, as he climbed a staggering 1,700 feet above Dubai.

Most recently, for “Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One,” Cruise took training to new heights, completing 500 skydives and over 13,000 motocross jumps to prepare for riding a motorcycle off a cliff—one of his most audacious stunts yet.

Perhaps the most iconic stunt in his entire filmography is from “Mission: Impossible — Fallout,” where he completed 106 HALO jumps with a broken ankle. This high-altitude, low-opening jump showcased not only his skills but his determination and dedication to delivering authenticity in his work.

Tom Cruise’s fearless spirit and commitment to his craft have solidified him as a generational icon of action cinema. His career continues to inspire as he pushes the limits of what is possible in the film industry.

Source: Business Insider