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Top 5 Worst Disasters on Deadliest Catch, Ranked

Fishing on the ice-coated open ocean during crabbing season is already dangerous. Add camera-bearing civilians, greenhorns, and the unpredictable fury of Mother Nature, and it can easily become a disaster. Captains on “Deadliest Catch” have faced numerous challenges, from making quotas to ensuring their ships remain operational and their crews harmonious. Disasters, whether man-made or natural, are never welcome.

Amid the challenges, triumphs, and trials of “Deadliest Catch,” captains have faced illness, crab-killing hardships, and horrifying weather. Their ships have leaked, shattered, and even sunk. Fortunately, none of the captains have lost their boats while Discovery’s cameras were rolling, but they have witnessed numerous close calls. Here’s a look at the top five disasters faced by captains on “Deadliest Catch.”

5: The Wizard catches fire

Boat fires are a harrowing experience, endangering crew and ship within seconds. On the Bering Sea, it’s even more precarious. Captain Keith Colburn encountered such a disaster in Season 19, just as he celebrated a huge catch. Cries of ‘fire’ interrupted his phone call, prompting him to rush to the engine room where he found thick smoke.

The fire resulted from a split in the brake line, which spewed toxic fumes, leaving Colburn gagging. A deckhand, equipped with a breathing apparatus, repaired the split. Luckily, the crew extinguished the fire and brought their record catch to port. This wasn’t the only fire; The Wizard caught fire again in Season 20, and the Northwestern experienced a fire in Season 12, causing a blackout. Even Sig Hansen faced a fire during his first episode and in Season 1’s trip to The Norwegian. Fortunately, no one was hurt in any of these incidents.

4: The Saga has to replace a window in the middle of a storm

A broken window is a nightmare for a crab fisherman, exposing the crew to freezing ocean winds and water. During a storm, it’s even worse. Jake Anderson of the Saga faced this when his ship’s crane malfunctioned in Season 19, sending a piece of metal through the wheelhouse window.

The storm’s severity and the costly navigational equipment in the wheelhouse necessitated an immediate replacement. The crew welded a new window despite the tumultuous conditions, all while Discovery’s cameras filmed.

Keith Colburn faced a similar situation in Season 19 when a loose crab cage smashed his cabin’s window. Fortunately, he and his crew managed to fix it with some wood and continue their day.

3: The Saga loses power when the engine room floods

The Saga has seen many disasters, from seagull attacks to natural calamities. However, a standout moment in “Deadliest Catch” history occurred when Jake Anderson had to replace a burst pipe in the middle of a power outage after his ship’s engine room flooded.

This incident took place during Season 18. Anderson was asleep when greenhorn Shayanne noted the bilge taking on water. She woke Jake, who discovered that a pipe used to circulate water to the crab tanks had burst, flooding the engine room up to his hips. With help from Mac, Mason, and Shayanne, Jake replaced the rusted joint, though the power went out during the process, prompting a distress call.

Despite the chaos, they managed to replace the pipe, marking an intense moment still gripping to witness secondhand.

2: Sig Hansen has a cameraman and a deckhand go overboard

Overboard incidents have been a recurring theme, whether Freddy diving after a walrus corpse or Wild Bill nearly losing Spencer to freezing waters. One notable instance involved Sig Hansen when a deckhand’s fall into the ocean also dragged down a cameraman during Season 24.

The incident happened as deckhand Clark loosened the chain on crabbing pots. The rope unexpectedly gave way, plunging Clark and a cameraman into the water. Both were rescued and sent below deck to warm up.

The moment was shocking. Sig, emotional and teary-eyed, declared, “This isn’t supposed to happen on this boat,” highlighting the incident’s gravity.

1: The many times a ship has sunk

One of a captain’s worst fears is seeing a ship sink. Although none of the captains have gone down with their vessels, they have lost friends to maritime tragedies captured on “Deadliest Catch.” Their grief and horror have been documented on camera multiple times.

The sinking of the V/F Destination in Season 15 deeply affected Sig Hansen. He was close friends with its captain, and viewers saw his immediate reaction to the tragic news. “I know you probably want me to say something,” Sig said. “But maybe just give me a little bit and I’ll tell you what I think, okay?”

The loss of the V/F Scandies Rose in 2019 also drew emotional responses from multiple captains. These tragic sinkings highlight the real stakes and the constant risks these men and women face, making their triumphs and disasters so compelling to watch.

Source: Looper