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Top 8 Nerdy Things Rock & Metal Fans Do

Admit it, we’ve all done some pretty nerdy things in the name of rock and metal fandom. Our love of heavy music has probably led us down a few paths that might be considered… gasp… nerdy if we were to take a step back.

To celebrate #NationalFindYourInnerNerdDay, let’s take a closer look at some of the things we might be guilty of as die-hard rock and metal fans.

Below is a list of eight items that fit the bill. Check off each one you’ve done to see just how much of a rock and/or metal nerd you actually are.

For instance, have you ever organized your music collection to highlight your heavy music tastes? How, when, and where do you choose to wear the band T-shirt you bought? Have you worn it in a place where it might have been considered bad form?

Those are just a couple of the nerdy things we’ve included. Let’s look at what else we’ve considered as our eight nerdy things that rock and metal fans do.

Sometimes the passion goes way beyond that of the average music fan. Here are some of the things we do to nerd out on our favorite bands:

1. **Organizing Music Collections**: Have you ever meticulously organized your music collection by genre, sub-genre, or even chronologically by album release date? Rock and metal enthusiasts often take pride in spotlighting their favorite bands and albums, arranging them in ways only a true fan would understand.

2. **Wearing Band Merch Inappropriately**: There are places where band T-shirts are a must, like concerts and record shops, but have you ever worn one to a formal event or a family gathering, just to make a statement or show your devotion?

3. **Attending Multiple Shows on the Same Tour**: Following a band on tour, hitting multiple cities to catch every performance, and even memorizing setlists to compare show variations is peak fan behavior. This level of commitment is both impressive and undeniably nerdy.

4. **Learning Every Detail**: Do you delve deep into the histories of your favorite bands, learning every detail about their members, album credits, and even tracking down obscure releases or side projects? The internet is a treasure trove for this kind of exploration.

5. **Playing Air Instruments**: We’ve all done it—whether it’s air guitar, air drums, or even lip-syncing our favorite solos and lyrics. Sometimes the music takes over, and an impromptu performance happens right in our living rooms.

6. **Rocking Out with Expert Level Gaming**: If you’re a fan who rocks out on video games like Guitar Hero or Rock Band, mastering every song and perfecting your score, you know it’s more than just a game—it’s a way to live out rock star fantasies.

7. **Owning Every Variant**: From vinyl to cassettes, CDs, deluxe editions, and even digital downloads, some fans make it their mission to own every possible format of their favorite releases. The hunt is just as exciting as the acquisition.

8. **Customizing Personal Spaces**: Decking out your rooms with posters, flags, signed memorabilia, and even custom-painted instruments shows a level of dedication that transforms mere hobbies into a lifestyle.

These tendencies, while perhaps nerdy to some, are the hallmarks of true rock and metal fandom. They are expressions of identity, passion, and an undying love for music that shapes and shakes lives.

After all, being a rock and metal fan is about more than just listening to music—it’s about living it.

Source: Loudwire, Newsbreak