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Top Controversial Moments from The Boys Season 4

Obviously, violence in the real world is almost always unjustifiable, except perhaps in the most extreme, existentially dangerous circumstances — the kinds of circumstances “The Boys” deals with every season. This, in tandem with the fact that the series indulged in the most obnoxious, over-the-top scenes of violence imaginable, makes Hughie’s final plea for peace at the end of Season 4 ring incredibly hollow.

On the surface, one could argue that Hughie is simply stating that, in this specific moment, flipping Neuman to their side makes more sense strategically than killing her. But the tone and content of his speech sounds like his thesis statement for the series’ impending final moments — no matter how bad the villains get, we cannot resort to their level through violence. Given how lacking in conflict the scene is and how hilariously uncritical his team members are in the aftermath, this appears to be the show’s thesis statement as well.

The problem is that the show constantly presents fantastically horrible scenarios where violence is actually very much necessary. How exactly do Hughie and The Boys plan to non-violently resolve a situation in which the U.S. government is actively aiding and abetting Homelander’s fascist agenda? Will they vote out the entire presidential line of succession? Boycott Vought as its employees are massacred? At a time when Butcher’s own genocidal urges desperately need countering, Hughie’s perspective is painfully thin.

Source: Various sources