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Top General: Ukrainians Captured Nearly as Much Land as Russia This Year

An unexpected offensive by Ukrainian forces into Russia’s Kursk region has resulted in the seizure of approximately 1,000 square kilometers of territory within a week, according to Kyiv’s top military commander. This move, launched last Tuesday, has taken many observers and the Russian military by surprise.

The area claimed by Ukraine equates to roughly 386 square miles, almost matching the total land gain achieved by Russian forces in Ukraine this year, highlighting the dramatic and rapid developments on the ground.

Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi provided an update to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other senior officials regarding the military incursion. Despite having kept details under wraps initially, Ukraine has begun to share more about its ambitious operation.

Syrskyi confirmed, “As of now, we control about 1,000 square kilometers of the territory of the Russian Federation. The troops are fulfilling their tasks.” He further stated that fighting continues across the entire front line and asserted that the situation remains under Ukrainian control.

While independent verification of these claims remains difficult, Syrskyi’s comments indicate significant successes for Ukrainian forces in a matter of days, rivaling Russian advances since January. According to Mitch Belcher, a geospatial analyst tracking battlefield movements, Russian forces had occupied about 108,163 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory at the end of December 2023. By August 11, this number increased slightly to 109,338 square kilometers, representing an additional 1,175 square kilometers taken so far in 2024.

The rapid offensive began on August 6, with thousands of soldiers and armored vehicles advancing into the Kursk region. Reports suggest that Ukrainian forces advanced several miles into Russian territory, claiming control over numerous settlements in the process. This escalation has led to the displacement of over 100,000 civilians from the area.

Experts noted that the specific objectives behind this bold incursion remain unclear. Some analysts propose that Ukraine may be aiming to relieve pressures from its forces engaged elsewhere, seeking a strategic advantage for potential negotiations with Russia, or even intending to undermine Russian morale while boosting morale back home.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy expressed gratitude towards the soldiers and commanders for their courage and decisive actions during this operation. Analysts suggest that, at the very least, this military venture has provided Ukraine with a temporary advantage in one section of the front, challenging Russia’s broader control over the entire conflict theater.

Prior to this operation, Russian forces had dominated the battlefield since November 2023, dictating the pace and scale of the conflict in Ukraine. Experts from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) noted that Russian control had previously forced Ukraine to focus on defensive actions, expending significant resources in response.

However, the new offensive in Kursk has shifted some initiative back to Ukraine, compelling Russian command to adjust their strategies and reposition troops in response to the unexpected Ukrainian advancements.

The long-term implications of these developments are yet to be seen. John Kirby, a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, recently noted that the Biden administration has been engaged with Ukrainian officials regarding the situation on the ground, working to better understand the goals and strategies of the ongoing operation.

The conflict continues to evolve, with both sides adapting their strategies to respond to the changing dynamics on the battlefield. As the situation develops, it remains to be seen how Ukraine will maintain its newly gained territory and what the next steps will be for both Ukrainian and Russian forces.

Source: Business Insider