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Top Nu-Metal Album for Each Year Since 1994

In nu-metal’s 30-year journey as a music subgenre, several albums have stood out as the best in their respective years. Nu-metal is one genre that provokes a mix of strong reactions. It merges metallic heaviness with hip-hop vocal styles and attitude, emerging as a significant post-Nirvana rock phenomenon. When bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit first appeared, they immediately captured the public’s attention, inspiring fans to adopt the style of wearing JNCO jeans and chain wallets.

The genre also attracted its share of criticism, with detractors considering it the epitome of inauthenticity. Many metal purists saw it as a signal that the listener wasn’t interested in exploring the broader and deeper aspects of heavy metal music.

However, as time passed, the vocal critics, often referred to as gatekeepers, gradually became less influential in online communities. Those who grew up with the early bands of this genre began forming their own groups, sparking a resurgence of nu-metal. Today, admitting that bands like Korn are excellent is no longer unusual.

Reflecting on this evolution, we’ve revisited the era starting from 1994 to identify the best nu-metal album of each year. To define the beginning of the genre, we’re considering Korn’s self-titled debut album as the starting point. While earlier albums like Faith No More’s The Real Thing and Rage Against the Machine’s self-titled album contributed to its inception, it wasn’t until Korn’s debut that the elements fully coalesced, heralding a new era for nu-metal.

Here are the top nu-metal albums from each year since 1994. Over the decades, nu-metal has experienced its own set of highs and lows, but each year has produced notable works that have contributed to the genre’s unique legacy.

Source: Loudwire