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Top-Ranked Movie Marketing Campaigns of All Time

If “The Blair Witch Project” redefined viral marketing, “Paranormal Activity” took it to a whole new level. Produced on a shoestring budget of only $15,000, the film went on to gross over $193 million at the box office, making it one of the most financially successful films ever. However, its journey to success wasn’t just about the film itself; it was about how it drew people into theaters through a unique marketing strategy that involved showing audiences watching the movie.

The marketing campaign started with a limited screening at the Screamfest horror film festival. The movie premiered successfully, and Katie Featherston won the best actress award. However, the real goldmine was the reaction of the audience. As rumors began circulating about how terrifying the movie was, the marketing team seized the opportunity. They created a trailer that featured footage of people watching the film. Although it included a few shots from the actual movie, the primary focus was on the audience’s reactions. Watching people get scared created a tantalizing effect, making viewers eager to see what was so frightening.

That was just one piece of the puzzle. The film’s website featured a “Demand It” option, where users could vote to have the movie screened in their city. This interactive feature was a masterstroke, giving people a sense of ownership and investment in the film’s success. Paramount Pictures received widespread acclaim for this innovative approach to marketing. Entertainment Weekly praised the studio executives for blending grassroots marketing strategies with modern media saturation techniques.

Source: source names