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Tragic Facts About Celine Dion’s Eldest Son René-Charles Angélil

Being the child of a celebrity is not always as glamorous as it seems. René-Charles Angélil, the son of world-renowned singer Celine Dion, has experienced the downside of this fame firsthand. Despite his mother’s celebrated career, Angélil often finds himself under relentless scrutiny from strangers.

A quick visit to Angélil’s Instagram, where he posts under his stage name, reveals a barrage of harsh comments. One user questioned, “What do you actually do? Do you have a special real talent, or are you always going to be in your mom’s shadow?!” Another comment suggested that Angélil’s lifestyle is solely funded by his famous mother, stating, “Big loser, flexing with mummy’s money.” These remarks are just the tip of the iceberg, showcasing the kind of criticism Angélil faces simply due to his parentage.

Unfortunately, this backlash is not limited to random social media trolls but extends to media outlets as well. In 2018, Vice published an article that was particularly harsh on Angélil’s musical endeavors. Given his mother’s exceptional talent, the outlet doubted his ability to meet the high expectations set by Dion. They wrote, “Your mom is freaking Céline Dion, dude. Don’t embarrass her.” This kind of public derision might be one of the reasons Angélil has taken a step back from his music career.

Source: Vice