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Tragic Revelations About Mariah Carey’s Sister Alison

Over the last few decades, “Glitter” star Mariah Carey has built an incredible career as a singer and actress. However, all that glitters is not gold in the singer’s family life, especially when it comes to her older sister, Alison Carey. While Mariah’s stunning transformation has earned her a lavish lifestyle, the details about Alison’s life are downright heartbreaking. Despite growing up in the same household, the two sisters’ lives took very opposite turns, and Alison’s ended in tragedy when she died in August 2024.

Whereas Mariah has experienced fame and fortune, Alison endured homelessness, life-changing mental and physical health issues, and a long battle with drug addiction during her short life. Unfortunately, she also found herself estranged from her family and frequently at odds with both her mother and sister. Here, we break down some of Alison’s most difficult challenges and uncover the tragic story of Mariah’s only sister.

Legal battles aren’t uncommon with famous families, and Alison Carey was at the heart of multiple disputes with her mother and sister. In 2020, The Sun reported that Alison sued her mother, Patricia Carey, for sexual abuse she was allegedly subjected to as a child. According to the article, court documents explained, “[The] Plaintiff has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and major depression, leading her to misuse both legal and illegal drugs in an attempt to suppress the horrific memories, and to undergo extensive professional counseling.”

One year later, Alison sued her iconic sister, Mariah Carey for emotional distress regarding her memoir, “The Meaning of Mariah.” Unfortunately, In Touch reported that Alison died before the lawsuit could be resolved, and the case never really gained traction after her initial complaint.

However, this recent legal turmoil wasn’t the beginning of Alison’s attempts to get justice in family-related situations. Back in 1994, Alison found herself battling for custody of her son, Michael, with her own mother. An “A Current Affair” report (via YouTube) from 1994, explains that Patricia reportedly failed to return Michael to his mother after a regularly scheduled visit, which prompted Alison to file a police report and accuse Patricia of kidnapping the young boy.

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN’s National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

From early on, Alison struggled to stay healthy. For example, a 1994 Inside Edition report (via YouTube) revealed that Alison was newly HIV positive. Understandably, Alison didn’t handle the news well; a spokesperson for the family explained: “I think that she’s distraught, she knows that HIV can turn into AIDS and she may have a limited time with her son.”

However, her HIV diagnosis was just one of several health challenges Alison faced. In a 2016 HVNN interview (via YouTube), she described a harrowing attack that occurred during a home invasion: “After I gave him every last thing that I had, he picked me up and threw me down a flight of stairs.” According to the report, the incident left her with a traumatic brain injury.

However, it appears there was a little bit of light in Alison’s life when it came to her health issues; in 2021, a friend named David Baker started a GoFundMe page to help her raise money for a new set of dentures. He also shared a video in which Alison describes the struggles of living with no teeth:

According to the GoFundMe page, Alison also suffered another health setback in 2021: “[She faced] a life-threatening medical condition that required overnight emergency surgery. This was followed by six weeks in the hospital fighting an aggressive infection.” Infections are all too common for many HIV-positive people, so it’s likely this was just one of many illnesses Alison faced post-diagnosis.

Prostitution is a very dangerous occupation, and it couldn’t be further removed from the glitz and glamour of Mariah Carey’s opulent life. However, prostitution was part of Alison Carey’s reality for decades. In a 1995 American Journal interview (via YouTube), Alison describes how she made the unfortunate choice to pursue prostitution in her late teens. According to Alison, it was an act of desperation. “Nobody wanted to hire me, I didn’t have any experience doing anything. I knew I had to get a job, but I couldn’t find one,” she said.

Sadly, Alison’s reliance on prostitution didn’t end after her teen years; in 2005, the New York Post reported that Alison was arrested in Long Island for prostitution. According to a law enforcement source familiar with the case, “She offered to engage in sexual conduct for $250 in cash.” According to The Daily Freeman, she was arrested again in 2016 after an incident in which she attempted to solicit an undercover police officer in Saugerties, New York. The article also explains that, due to her HIV status, local police encouraged her potential clients to seek medical care. Alison was 55 years old at the time of this arrest. Unfortunately, she died less than a decade after this, which gave her very little time to find a better life path.

Source: The Sun, In Touch, The Daily Freeman, Inside Edition, American Journal, HVNN, A Current Affair