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Trailer for Mayfair Witches Season 2 Released

Rowan Fielding is planning something. On Saturday at San Diego Comic-Con, AMC released the trailer for Season 2 of Mayfair Witches, revealing a Rowan who is “a different person” than she thought she was and who has a plan to stop what’s going on with the Mayfair family — specifically, take care of Lasher. You can check out the trailer for yourself in the video below.

In the video, we not only get glimpses of Rowan (Alexandra Daddario) seemingly coming more into her power, but also Cortland Mayfair (Harry Hamlin) being released from his statue prison. We also get a glimpse at what might just be the previously teased Interview With the Vampire crossover as we see Felix (Gabriel Freilich), the young vampire serving Lestat in the Interview With the Vampire Season 2 finale.

“I assumed going into this that it truly was a franchise, and that the Immortal Universe and the Anne Rice world was somehow more connected. But in a strange way, with the shows that we’re making and developing, they aren’t directly connected. You can look at them and say, ‘Oh, that’s Anne Rice, but I don’t know what that is,'” executive producer Mark Johnson said. “There was a point when maybe it was a little too schematic that we were trying to insert one character from one story into another and it wasn’t necessarily working. With that said, we’re discovering that there are some characters that it does work with. There’s somebody from Interview that’s going to appear in Mayfair Witches, but she’s much more complicated than I thought she was. In the feature world, I did the three Chronicles of Narnia and it was very easy to figure out different characters you could interlace. That’s not the case here. I think that actually speaks to the strength of Anne’s writing and her creation.”

Here’s how AMC describes Season 2 of Mayfair Witches: “Based on Anne Rice’s Lives of the Mayfair Witches, Season 2 of Mayfair Witches continues the journey of Rowan Mayfair (Daddario) after she has unwittingly given birth to the demon Lasher (Jack Huston),” it reads. “She is determined to understand what he has become — human or monster? — and to use him to fulfill her purpose as a healer, but when tragedy strikes, she must put aside her own desires and fight to protect her family.”

Season 2 of Mayfair Witches will debut in 2025 on AMC.
