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Trailer Released for New Bob Dylan Biopic ‘A Complete Unknown’

A trailer has been released for the upcoming Bob Dylan biopic, A Complete Unknown, starring Timothee Chalamet.

The movie traces Dylan’s journey from his home state of Minnesota to New York City, where he starts gaining recognition for his songwriting prowess, culminating in his iconic 1965 performance at the Newport Folk Festival. Alongside Chalamet, the film features Elle Fanning as Sylvie Russo, Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez, Nick Offerman as Alan Lomax, Boyd Holbrook as Johnny Cash, and Edward Norton as Pete Seeger.

The anticipation surrounding the film is palpable, with fans eagerly awaiting its release in December, though an exact date is yet to be announced. The trailer has already sparked interest, offering glimpses of pivotal moments in Dylan’s early career and highlighting Chalamet’s compelling portrayal of the legendary musician.

Director James Mangold shared his initial conversation with Dylan about the film’s concept with Rolling Stone. Mangold recounted, “The first time I sat down with him, Bob said, ‘What’s this movie about, Jim?’ I said, ‘It’s about a guy who’s choking to death in Minnesota, and leaves behind all his friends and family and reinvents himself in a brand new place, makes new friends, builds a new family, becomes phenomenally successful, starts to choke to death again — and runs away.'”

Dylan’s response was straightforward but approving: “I like that.”

As excitement around A Complete Unknown builds, it’s clear that the film not only has Dylan’s support but also delves into the complexities of his persona. Mangold emphasized one of the film’s core themes, noting, “I think one of the things Timmy is so brilliant at playing in the movie and something I think Bob related to me, is a true feeling — which is that it’s also about, how does one deal with that burden? How you yourself, if you have this power, aren’t even sure exactly where it’s coming from — you’re trying to protect it and cherish it, but you’re also not sure if it will lift you or destroy you.”

This introspective approach promises to offer audiences a nuanced look at Dylan’s rise to fame and the internal struggles that accompanied his external success. The film’s star-studded cast, combined with Mangold’s direction, sets the stage for a compelling and thought-provoking portrayal of one of music’s most enigmatic figures.

As fans and critics alike await the film’s release, the trailer serves as a tantalizing preview of what’s to come. A Complete Unknown appears poised to capture the essence of Dylan’s early years, balancing the allure of his meteoric rise with the personal challenges he faced along the way.

Source: Rolling Stone