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Travis Scott’s Trespassing Case Dropped Due to Legal Loophole

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Travis Scott has reportedly secured another victory in the legal arena. According to TMZ, part of the “Drugs You Should Try It” rapper’s Miami case is now behind him.

On August 30, the outlet reported that the misdemeanor trespassing charge Scott picked up on June 20 was dismissed due to a legal loophole.

Scott’s legal team argued that the charge should be dropped because there were no “no trespassing” signs at the location. Surprisingly, this simple argument was enough to convince the local prosecutor. In a statement, Scott’s attorney, Bradford Cohen, expressed thanks for the decision.

“After arguing the motion to dismiss and the state realizing that there was no path to maintaining the charge, they decided to drop the case in its entirety,” Cohen said. “Although not a serious charge, and one that should not have been filed, we are pleased with the result.”

No further details were provided concerning his disorderly intoxication charge. Shortly after Travis Scott’s mugshot was released to the public, he used the image on a t-shirt, making it available as merchandise on his official website. So, it appears this issue did not upset him too much.

If you are keeping track, this makes Scott two for two in recent legal battles. First, his detainment in Paris, and now, the Miami case.

Source: TMZ