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Triumph or Infighting: Will Journey Succeed or Fall Apart?

One of the frustrating aspects of being a music fan is watching bands implode due to personal conflicts, effectively ending the group or partnership. The latest example would be the breakup of Hall and Oates or the tumultuous relationship between Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, which recently led to the guitarist’s dismissal from Fleetwood Mac. It’s maddening to see that these veteran artists, many of whom are in their senior years, can’t find a way to get along and continue creating music together.

My frustration comes from a place of admiration and connection. When a group I’ve followed and cherished for years falls apart, the disappointment is palpable. Even though it’s not logical, the emotional investment in their music drives a strong desire for resolution and unity amongst the band members.

Consider the era of Fleetwood Mac from “Rumors” to “Tango In The Night.” The band members dealt with drugs, emotional traumas, and singing songs about each other night after night. Lindsey Buckingham left after “Tango In The Night,” and his eventual return might have been what enabled Fleetwood Mac to remain relevant into the 21st Century. However, the unresolved issues came to a head, leading to his replacement by two gifted guitarists for what might be the final tour of the band.

Now, let’s focus on Journey and its longstanding members, Jonathan Cain and Neal Schon. Their discord has been public for years, particularly when Cain, married to an evangelical pastor and advisor to former President Donald Trump, openly supported Trump, angering Schon. The situation worsened in 2022 when Schon accused Cain of hiding financial details, including setting up an American Express account without his knowledge and withholding the credit card bills. Subsequently, Schon filed a lawsuit against Cain over these matters, also alleging Cain’s attempts to control the band’s trademark and other intellectual properties.

Despite this turmoil, Journey continued to tour until recently canceling their UK and Ireland dates on their 50th Anniversary Freedom Tour due to the ongoing legal battles. This abrupt cancellation sparked speculation about the end of the band. Although Journey has managed to persevere with their US tour dates and a few more international shows, their future remains uncertain.

Today, however, a Facebook post by Neal Schon offers a glimmer of hope for Journey fans. The lengthy post addresses Cain’s recent accusations and emphasizes the importance of the band getting back to the music. Schon mentions their decision to bring in an impartial mediator to resolve the ongoing disputes, focusing on their fans and the tour.

Schon wrote, “Anyone who follows Journey will know that Jon Cain and I don’t always see eye-to-eye on everything or pretty much anything. Recently, Jon Cain made a number of claims and slanderous accusations about me and my wife – and I can’t stress enough how much it upset me and how wrong they are. I am determined to take the high road and push all this aside for the moment to focus on our fans, the tour and all who give so much to make things happen. That’s why I’m so glad that Jon now agrees with me that the current dynamic can’t continue and it’s also why I’m pleased that we’re going to bring in someone impartial to help us resolve our disputes, bring clarity to what we’re doing and allow us, as a band, to get back to what we should all focus on – making music and performing for our fans. Thank you all for your support and see you out there soon.”

It’s uncertain whether this effort will save the band in the long run, but it’s heartening to see both parties attempting to mend their differences. Many bands disband without ever trying to reconcile.

As a fan, I yearn for a resolution marked by harmony, not necessarily one final tour or a superficial reconciliation. My ideal conclusion would be for these musicians to overcome their grievances, reflect on their shared history, and find a way to enjoy each other’s company once more. There was a time when these artists were part of something extraordinary, and despite the intervening years of chaos, that core truth remains.

It’s not about forcing Stevie and Lindsey to perform together again or compelling Hall and Oates to reunite. Nor is it about making Jonathan and Neal best friends overnight. Instead, it’s about these artists reaching a point where they can sit together, share memories, and appreciate the good times they once had, beyond the fame, tours, and drama. This kind of reconciliation would be the perfect closing chapter for any band’s story.

Source: source names