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Trump Claims He’d Win California if ‘Jesus Was the Vote Counter’

During a recent interview with television psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw, former President Donald Trump expressed confidence about his chances in California. He claimed that he would win the state if Jesus Christ were counting the ballots.

Trump discussed what he perceives as unfair tactics in the Democratic Party, specifically mentioning ballot harvesting and the distribution of multiple ballots to individuals. “In California, you have people getting seven ballots,” he stated, suggesting that the system is rigged against him.

Later in the conversation, he asserted, “If Jesus Christ came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK? In other words, if we had an honest vote counter, a really honest vote counter — I do great with Hispanics, great, I mean at a level no Republican has ever done. But if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.”

McGraw appeared surprised by Trump’s assertion and queried, “You think so?” Trump maintained his stance, attributing his belief to what he perceives as a fraudulent context surrounding mail-in voting.

“I think so. I do. I see it. I go around California, they have Trump signs all over the place,” Trump explained. He characterized California as “very dishonest,” emphasizing the prevalence of mail-in ballots and citing millions sent out to voters.

However, there is no substantial evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud in California. The last time a Republican presidential candidate won the state was in 1988, with George H. W. Bush. In the 2020 election, President Biden secured California by nearly 30 percentage points.

The comments by Trump drew immediate criticism from Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign. A spokesperson stated that Trump had “reached a level of delusion difficult for even Dr. Phil to diagnose.” In the statement, the campaign also reflected on Trump’s record during his presidency, which included denying the results of the 2020 election and the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022, affecting federal access to abortion.

“As Donald Trump’s friend Dr. Phil says, ‘you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge,’” remarked Sarafina Chitika, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign. “And he still doesn’t acknowledge that he lost the 2020 election four years ago — despite the violent insurrection launched in his name.”

Chitika went on to assert that while Trump refuses to face the truth, voters understand that Vice President Harris is poised to guide the country forward.

Representative Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California, also commented on Trump’s remarks, seemingly parodying them. He noted, “I’m just an ordinary Catholic, but I’m thinking that Jesus probably wouldn’t come down for a man found liable by a jury for sexual assault.” He added that if Jesus were to intervene, He would affirm that Trump lost California and several other key states.

Current polling data from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ indicated that Biden was leading Trump in California by approximately 25 percent, showing 55.5 percent support for Biden compared to 30.6 percent for Trump. This polling occurred before Biden’s announcement to withdraw from the race and endorse Harris as his successor.

The debate over voter integrity and election fairness remains a potent topic, particularly as Trump and his supporters continue to voice concerns over mail-in voting practices. As the political landscape evolves, the significance of California in the race for the presidency cannot be underestimated, and the reactions to Trump’s claims reflect the broader divisions within both parties.

Source: Nexstar Media, Inc.