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Trump Claims He’s ‘Not a Threat to Democracy’ in Dr. Phil Interview

Donald Trump stated in an interview with Dr. Phil aired on Tuesday night that he is “not a threat to democracy.” During this conversation, he also implied that he survived an assassination attempt last month because God has a purpose for him in restoring the United States and potentially the world.

The interview, conducted in Las Vegas, provided Trump with an opportunity to clarify earlier statements about his desire to be a “dictator for one day” and his controversial claim that, if re-elected, citizens may not need to vote again.

In his criticisms of Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris, Trump repeated unfounded assertions regarding mail-in ballots and fraud, as well as his continued insistence that he won the 2020 election.

Regarding the assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, Trump reflected on why he believes he was spared. “The only thing I can think is that God loves our country and he thinks we’re going to bring our country back,” he remarked, emphasizing how dire the current situation is.

Trump attempted to clarify remarks about wanting to be a ‘dictator for one day’ during the prime-time interview with Dr. Phil.

Trump added that it was more than luck that allowed him to escape his fate, estimating the chances against him as “20 million to one.” He expressed belief that a divine intervention played a role in his survival.

When asked if he felt that “God’s hand” had influenced the situation, Trump affirmed, “I do,” suggesting that his presidency might serve a greater purpose of saving not just the nation but potentially the world.

He also remarked that being president is far more dangerous than professions like race car driving, illustrating the high stakes involved in his position.

Throughout the discussion, Trump argued that he has been unfairly portrayed by the media, alleging that his statements have often been taken out of context. He referenced a comment he made at a conservative gathering wherein he urged attendees to vote, stating that in four years following an electoral win, citizens would “not have to vote again” because he would ensure the system is so well-managed.

Trump's remarks on safety
Trump claimed being president is ‘much more dangerous than a race car driver’ during his interview.

In response to critiques insinuating that his statements hinted at the abolishment of democratic elections, Trump clarified, “I said to the Christians, we’ve got to win this election.” He maintained that winning would allow him to make significant changes within four years.

He stressed the necessity of voting in the upcoming election while assuring that elections would continue regardless of his statements. “You don’t have to vote doesn’t mean we’re not going to have elections,” he insisted, clarifying that it emphasized the urgency of the upcoming electoral cycle.

Trump also described his earlier comments about wanting to be a “dictator for one day” in a light-hearted manner, indicating they were made in jest during an interview with Sean Hannity. “It was said with a chuckle,” he noted, asserting that the audience understood the humor, unlike the media’s portrayal.

The interview took place a day before Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was scheduled to speak with Dr. Phil. Kennedy recently exited the presidential race and endorsed Trump, which the former president regarded as an honor, praising Kennedy’s intelligence and perspectives.

Trump mentioned, “I think he’s going to be a great asset,” but did not commit to any official position within his potential administration.

As the 2024 election nears, recent polls show Trump may be trailing behind Harris, with new fundraising numbers benefiting the vice president’s campaign. According to an average recorded by FiveThirtyEight, Harris holds a 3.5-point lead over Trump, who has faced mounting pressure in crucial swing states.

A recent poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University revealed that, when factoring in race and gender, Harris currently leads Trump by seven points.

Source: Various News Outlets