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Trump Criticizes George Clooney After Biden Op-Ed
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Donald Trump on Wednesday night did not hold back his thoughts on George Clooney after the actor urged Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race in a surprising New York Times op-ed.

Clooney had been a staunch supporter of Biden, especially in the weeks leading up to the U.S. president’s controversial debate performance. However, amid growing concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities and internal conflicts within the Democratic Party, Clooney shocked many by writing an op-ed titled: “I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.”

“The one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can,” Clooney penned in his piece. “It’s heartbreaking to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all saw at the debate.”

The op-ed drew reactions from Hollywood, with notable figures like Michael Douglas expressing similar concerns about Biden’s capacity to lead.

Meanwhile, Trump seemed to revel in the attention Biden was receiving. The former president mocked Biden and even encouraged him to remain in the race in a post on Truth Social on Saturday.

“Crooked Joe Biden should ignore his many critics and move forward, with alacrity and strength, with his powerful and far-reaching campaign,” Trump stated in his post. “He should be sharp, precise, and energetic, just like he was in The Debate.”

However, Clooney’s call for Biden to step aside appeared to irk Trump. He lashed out at the Gravity actor for his involvement in the political scene.

“So now fake movie actor George Clooney, who never came close to making a great movie, is getting into the act,” Trump wrote.

“He’s turned on Crooked Joe like the rats they both are.”

Trump further questioned Clooney’s competence. “What does Clooney know about anything?” he asked rhetorically, suggesting the actor “get out of politics and go back to television.”

Trump continued his tirade by tearing into the Democratic stance Clooney seemed to support. “He uses the Democrat ‘talking point’ that Biden, the WORST President in the history of the United States, has ‘saved our Democracy.’ No, Crooked Joe was the one who WEAPONIZED Law Enforcement against his political Opponent, who created the most devastating INFLATION in the history of our Country, who Embarrassed our Nation in Afghanistan, and whose crazy Open Border Policy has allowed millions of people to illegally pour into our Country, many from prisons and mental institutions,” Trump argued.

In his final remarks, Trump asserted, “Crooked Joe Biden didn’t save our Democracy, he brought our Democracy to its knees. Clooney should get out of politics and go back to television. Movies never really worked for him!!!”

As of now, Clooney has not responded.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

Source: The Daily Beast, New York Times