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Trump Criticizes Harris on ‘Crime and Safety’ with Law Enforcement Support

Former President Donald Trump took to the stage on Tuesday in Howell, Michigan, continuing his counterprogramming against the Democratic National Convention. His speech primarily aimed to address issues of crime and safety but quickly veered into criticisms of Vice President Kamala Harris’ record as a prosecutor.

Trump began by claiming, “We’re here today to talk about how we are going to stop the Kamala crime wave that is going on at levels that nobody has ever seen before.” He characterized Harris as “the most radical left person ever even thought of for high office,” indicating that he believed she mismanaged law enforcement during her tenure.

Despite the speech’s focus on crime, Trump failed to propose specific crime policy reforms he was expected to discuss. Prior to his address, speech experts indicated that he should advocate for measures such as the death penalty for child rapists, stop-and-frisk policies, and making it a felony for any medical professional to operate on a minor without parental consent.

Throughout the speech, Trump portrayed a grim vision of America under the Harris administration, claiming he would usher in a “crime-free America.” He emphasized the need for law enforcement, stating, “Mothers will no longer be losing their children because of weak, liberal policies and politicians that have given up on securing a crime-free America.” He praised the law enforcement officials present during his speech, insisting they could handle crime more effectively than others.

While Trump emphasized a need to combat crime, recent FBI statistics for early 2024 indicate a decrease in violent crime compared to 2023, with significant reductions in murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault rates.

Trump vehemently accused Harris of neglecting crime-fighting efforts, invoking her past comments about police funding to assert that she would aim to “defund the police” if elected president. He stated, “She wants to destroy policemen in general,” rallying support from local law enforcement in the process. He assured the gathering, “When I’m president of the United States again, we will never even think about or mention the words defund the police.”

This comment references a period during nationwide protests after the death of George Floyd, wherein Harris endorsed principles that called for a re-evaluation of policing practices. Notably, her campaign spokesperson cited Harris’s support for increased funding to keep communities safe.

Trump did not stop here; he further argued that Harris’s support for abolishing cash bail was responsible for increased crime rates and linked this to protests that erupted during the summer of 2020. “Kamala Harris raised money for bail to bail out the arsonists and the rioters and the killers,” he claimed, misrepresenting her actions in a contentious manner. He attempted to draw a sharp contrast between various protests, comparing the events of January 6—where violence did occur—to more significant civil unrest that transpired in 2020.

During the speech, Trump also made a promise to make a substantial investment in hiring, retention, and training of police officers, accusing Democrats of disregarding the welfare of law enforcement personnel.

At one point, he hinted at potential strategies for ensuring safety during the election and remarked how he’d love to have local law enforcement “working there during the election” in certain unspecified regions of Michigan. This inference seemed to relate to his criticisms of voting procedures in predominantly Democratic areas like Detroit.

Trump’s visit to Howell did not come without controversy. The Harris campaign noted that a rally is shadowed by past demonstrations where masked individuals sang pro-Trump slogans alongside antisemitic chants. These demonstrations drew criticism, but Trump was quick to deflect when asked about it. He quipped, “Who was here in 2021?” after a reporter mentioned a Biden visit.

Harris’s campaign spokesperson criticized Trump for failing to denounce the hateful messages displayed during those protests, stating, “Donald Trump can’t bring us together so he tries to drive us apart.” They asserted that the American electorate would reject his deeply divisive leadership in the upcoming November elections.

Livingston County, where Howell is located, has remained a Republican stronghold in recent elections. In contrast, as nearby counties have turned more red over time, Howell has shown a consistent Republican trend, with Trump winning the county with more than 60% of the votes in the last two election cycles.

The town itself has a predominantly white population and a fraught racial history. Reports have surfaced detailing the town’s longstanding issues with racial tensions, including notable events in the 1960s and 70s linked to local Ku Klux Klan activity.

As the election season heats up, Trump’s approach in Howell reflects his strategies to galvanize support while confronting local narratives and historical complexities.

Source: ABC News