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Trump Inquires with Comedian Theo Von About Cocaine and Alcohol Use

Former President Donald Trump recently appeared on comedian Theo Von’s podcast, “This Past Weekend,” where the two engaged in a candid discussion about substance use and addiction. The episode was recorded at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, and it aired on Tuesday.

During their conversation, Theo Von brought up the topic of drinking and smoking, prompting Trump to share his personal stance on these substances. He revealed that he has never used alcohol or drugs, citing his late brother, Fred Trump Jr., who struggled with alcoholism. “I tell people, no drugs, no drinking, no cigarettes,” Trump explained, emphasizing that he encourages his children to avoid these substances as well.

Trump expressed a deep admiration for his brother, who passed away in 1981, referring to him as an “incredible personality.” He noted his understanding of the challenges associated with addiction, mentioning that he has heard overcoming alcohol dependence can be even harder than getting off drugs. This point resonated with Von, who identified himself as someone in recovery from both drug and alcohol use.

The conversation spanned a range of subjects beyond addiction, touching upon Trump’s family dynamics, health care policies, lobbying, and the current political landscape, including comments about President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

As part of their discourse on the opioid crisis, Von disclosed his past use of cocaine. “That’s down and dirty, isn’t it?” Trump remarked. Von assured him that he has since moved past that phase of his life. Trump inquired about the effects of cocaine compared to alcohol, asking if it offered a greater high. Von humorously responded, “Cocaine will turn you into a damn owl, homie. You’ll be out on your own porch, you’ll be your own streetlamp.”

When Trump pressed further on whether that experience felt good, Von admitted that it was not enjoyable, but noted that people often use substances regardless of the negative consequences, just like how some turn to scotch.

The former President then sought Von’s opinion on which substance contributes more to America’s challenges: alcohol or opioids. Von did not hesitate to answer, stating that opioids represent a more significant issue in the country.

Theo Von is a multifaceted entertainer, known for his work as a stand-up comedian, actor, and former reality TV star. At 44, he hosts his successful podcast, where he engages with a variety of guests from different backgrounds, including politicians, celebrities, and influential figures. His roster of guests boasts names like Bernie Sanders, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Louis Theroux, and Ed Sheeran, illustrating his appeal across diverse audiences.

Trump’s candid remarks and the topics discussed during the podcast shed light on both his personal beliefs regarding substance use and the broader societal issues surrounding addiction. Their conversation serves not only as a reflective commentary on personal choices but also emphasizes the need for ongoing discussions about addiction in America, especially in the context of the opioid epidemic.

Overall, the episode provided a platform for exploring serious subjects while showcasing the unique dynamic between the former President and the comedian.