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Trump May Appoint Elon Musk to Lead Committee Cutting ‘Wasteful’ Programs

Donald Trump may seek to appoint Elon Musk to lead a committee aimed at identifying and eliminating “wasteful” government programs if he regains the presidency this November.

Advisers to Trump propose involving well-known corporate leaders to assist in reducing government costs, and Musk has already expressed his interest in such a position.

The suggestion was made to Trump by his former economic adviser, Steve Moore. According to reports from The Washington Post, Moore believes that forming a “blue ribbon” commission dedicated to cutting down on inefficient federal spending should be a top priority should the Republican presidential candidate secure a second term.

Musk has shown a keen desire to be involved with Trump’s administration. During a prior conversation with Trump on the platform X, he noted, “I think it would be great to just have a government efficiency commission that takes a look at these things and ensures that taxpayer money is spent wisely. I’d be happy to help out on such a commission.”

In addition, Musk shared an AI-generated image of himself at a podium labeled “Department of Government Efficiency,” humorously referring to the meme-inspired cryptocurrency, while stating, “I am willing to serve.”

It is apparent that Musk is enthusiastic about a potential role in Trump’s administration (Getty)

However, Musk’s involvement has raised ethical questions regarding potential conflicts of interest given his extensive business interests.

SpaceX, which Musk leads, has secured a multibillion-dollar contract with NASA, and Tesla has received substantial federal funding as well. The Republican Party has advocated for increased investments in satellite technology and the acceleration of space exploration, raising concerns that Musk’s ventures—such as SpaceX and Starlink—could benefit from new federal contracts if Trump is reelected.

Anna Massoglia, an expert on political financing with the non-profit group OpenSecrets, commented to The Washington Post that Musk’s possible appointment brings about serious questions regarding the commission’s mission of saving taxpayer dollars while involving someone from a company that is among the largest recipients of federal financial assistance.

She emphasized the necessity for “accountability mechanisms” to ensure that private sector representatives on any committee cannot exploit the situation for personal gain.

Recently, Trump downplayed the potential of Musk securing a significant role in his administration during an appearance on The Shawn Ryan Show. He stated, “He wants to be involved, but he’s running big businesses and all that… so he can’t really… He can sort of, as the expression goes, consult with the country and give you some very good ideas.”

This statement contrasts sharply with his earlier sentiments when he received Musk’s endorsement last month. At that time, Trump expressed that he would “certainly” consider offering Musk a cabinet or advisory position.

“He’s a very smart guy. I certainly would, if he would do it, I certainly would. He’s a brilliant guy,” Trump remarked following a campaign event in York, Pennsylvania.

Source: The Washington Post