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Trump Needs Harris to Discuss Policy at the DNC to Defeat Her.

Since being named the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Vice President Kamala Harris has seen a consistent rise in polling numbers. Many voters seem to prefer her as an alternative choice, especially given the political landscape featuring President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

However, this trend may shift in the coming days. The Democratic National Convention (DNC) commenced recently, marking one of the first opportunities for Harris to clearly communicate her vision for the country. As previously noted, the focus now should be on how effectively she and her running mate, Tim Walz, can convey their progressive policy stance to the electorate.

Harris’s prior policy discussions have revolved around distancing herself from some of her more extreme positions from her 2020 presidential campaign. At this juncture, she must present convincing proposals that appeal to Americans, a challenge that is notably more complex than simply positioning herself against Trump.

With Harris’s rising momentum, Republicans might find valuable opportunities to challenge her. Party conventions typically serve as unifying moments where party members align behind a common agenda to secure future electoral victories. The DNC aims to fulfill the same purpose.

In the lead-up to her appearance in Chicago, Harris has begun outlining various economic proposals. Some of these have come under scrutiny, particularly those rooted in demand-side economics, which could potentially jeopardize the nation’s economic future. Examples include suggested price controls on food, a concept that often leads to shortages, and credits for first-time homebuyers, a policy that could inadvertently inflate housing costs further.

The Washington Post has criticized Harris’s proposals, labeling them as “populist gimmicks,” a characterization one might typically associate with Trump’s agenda.

As the DNC progresses, Republicans should strategically look to capitalize on any division that Harris may inadvertently expose within the Democratic Party. For instance, protests anticipated at the convention from anti-Israel demonstrators could deepen rifts, as the Democratic Party has shown a lack of consensus on Israel’s right to defend itself. Such division can be leveraged to appeal to Jewish voters.

Despite Harris hinting at specific legislative initiatives, including tightening gun control and combating abortion bans, a clear domestic policy agenda has been lacking until the DNC’s platform was unveiled. Immigration remains a pivotal issue, presenting a significant challenge for Harris. The ongoing surge in border crossings over the last four years highlights a real crisis, which remains a weak point for her campaign.

Harris has expressed a desire for immigration reform, advocating for “an earned pathway to citizenship.” However, her presidential campaign has yet to detail a comprehensive plan to tackle border challenges. The new party platform leans heavily on reversing the Trump-era immigration policies and expanding pathways for immigrants, which overlooks the pressing border crises that continue to unfold.

Trump now holds an advantageous position to target Harris on immigration, as polling indicates voters often trust him more on this topic. By connecting Harris to the administration’s shortcomings in addressing illegal immigration, he can reinforce his narrative and expose her lack of concrete plans. This approach could prove to be a pivotal strategy as the campaign progresses.

Democratic strategists are advocating for Harris to avoid deep dives into divisive policy discussions. Her campaign has thrived by embracing a wide coalition of voters, straddling the lines between progressive and moderate viewpoints. The DNC represents a prime opportunity for Democrats to present a clear platform for scrutiny.

However, any definitive stance Harris takes on controversial issues could aid Republicans in framing her as a distinct candidate rather than merely an alternative to Trump, whose popularity is waning.

The shift in dynamics as Trump’s campaign adapts to Harris as a new contender presents a chance for him to reclaim ground lost against Biden. The DNC should be utilized as a platform for Trump’s campaign to regroup and launch coherent policy attacks.

As Harris lays out her policy plans, the Trump campaign has an opening to present their own alternatives. A clear contrast presented by Trump can help reshape public perception of his competence and readiness for leadership—qualities he critically needs to alter in voters’ minds as the election nears.

Source: USA Today