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Trump Says Fox News Reached Out for Interview After Harris’s Speech: ‘I’m the Ratings Machine’

Former President Trump is pushing back against criticism regarding his recent phone call with Fox News. The call occurred after Vice President Harris delivered her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. Critics suggested that Trump rambled during the conversation, but he claims that the network had asked him to participate in what turned out to be a brief interview.

On Sunday, Trump shared his side of the story in a post on Truth Social. He stated, “Bret Baier of Fox News called me, I didn’t call him, just prior to the Kamala Convention speech, and asked me if I would like to critique her after she is finished. I agreed to do so!”

Trump’s phone call with Fox News occurred last Thursday, immediately following Harris’s speech. During the call, it appeared that Trump accidentally pressed buttons on his phone while expressing his thoughts about Harris’s address. Baier and fellow anchor Martha MacCallum made attempts to interject as Trump continued speaking, which led to an extended conversation lasting about 10 minutes. The call concluded when the anchors informed Trump that they had run out of time.

The former president’s call did not go unnoticed. It was mentioned in a recent opinion piece by New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd. She described the interaction as a “scream-of-consciousness call” where Trump filibustered for ten minutes, until Baier had to cut him off to transition to another program.

In response to the criticism and Dowd’s remarks, Trump asserted that it was news outlets that reached out to him, not the other way around. He emphasized that he does not have to initiate calls to appear on television, stating, “WRONG!!! I don’t have to make calls to go on TV, or anything else — They call me! It’s called Ratings, I guess, and I’m the ‘Ratings Machine!’”

The Hill sought clarification from Fox News regarding Trump’s claims, but a response has not yet been provided.

During his Sunday commentary, Trump reiterated some of his criticisms regarding Harris’s speech. He described it as “nonspecific and weak,” pointing out that it failed to address significant issues like fracking, crime, and inflation. He mentioned that Harris’s delivery earned a grade of “C+,” adding that there were “far too many and speedy ‘thank you’s’ at the beginning” of her speech.

Despite the backlash, Trump remains a prominent figure in media discussions, with his phone call illustrating the ongoing tension and rivalry in political commentary. The exchange highlighted his continued influence and engagement with the media, often taking center stage following key political events. Trump’s insistence that he is in demand by the media underscores the ratings-driven aspect of modern political discourse.

As the political landscape evolves and the presidential race heats up, such interactions are likely to become even more frequent and contentious. The dynamic of political coverage, particularly as it relates to prominent figures like Trump, continues to capture the public’s attention and shapes discussions within media circles.

With elections on the horizon, the scrutiny of speeches and public appearances will only intensify. As both parties prepare for the ongoing campaign, the narratives surrounding their candidates will play a crucial role in shaping voter perceptions and influencing the outcomes of upcoming elections.

As Trump continues to make headlines, it will be interesting to watch how he navigates criticisms and how the media covers his statements in the lead-up to the election cycle.

Source: Nexstar Media, Inc.