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Trump to Host Awards Gala for Capitol Rioters from January 6

Donald Trump is set to host a special event aimed at supporting individuals convicted in connection with the Capitol riot. He plans to hold a “J6 Awards Gala” at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey on September 5.

The event will feature Trump himself, along with Rudy Giuliani, as potential speakers, although their participation has not yet been confirmed.

According to promotional material for the gala, attendees will have a chance to win a “Justice for All” plaque featuring both Trump and the J6 Prison Choir. This plaque commemorates a jailhouse song that unexpectedly made its way onto the Billboard charts earlier this year, which includes Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and rioters singing the national anthem.

The gala is described as a gathering to honor not only the convicts but also all defendants involved in the January 6 incident who have displayed “incredible courage and sacrifice.”

In a promotional video for the event, Trump referred to those charged as “peaceful” individuals, labeling them as “J6 hostages.” He further pledged that, if reelected, he would grant pardons to these individuals.

Pro-Trump supporters storm the U.S. Capitol following a rally with President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC. Trump is hosting a “J6 Awards Gala” on September 5, 2024, at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey, purportedly to recognize the convicts who “have shown incredible courage and sacrifice.” (Getty Images)

In the promotional video, Trump states, “There has never been a group of people treated so harshly or unfairly.” He has indicated that the proceeds from the event are intended to support a legal fund specifically for those involved in the Capitol riot.

Despite being labeled as an “awards gala,” details about any specific awards to be distributed remain unclear.

This event follows a previous attempt that was postponed, with initial plans showing ticket prices ranging from $2,500 for individual attendees to $50,000 for tables seating twelve, complete with a speaker at each table, as reported by MediasTouch.

The timing of the gala is significant for Trump, as it is scheduled before he is set to be sentenced for 34 felony counts related to the Stormy Daniels hush money case on September 18.

Once his sentencing takes place, he will officially have a felony conviction, which may legally restrict him from associating with other felons, as noted by former prosecutor Tristan Snell, who was involved in the Trump University case.

Even if the gala is legal, it is uncertain whether it will generate any sympathy for Trump during his upcoming sentencing hearing before Judge Juan Merchan.

A total of over 1,230 individuals have faced federal charges stemming from their actions during the January 6 riots, which varied from misdemeanors to serious offenses like seditious conspiracy, involving groups such as the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers.

Of these, approximately 730 individuals have pleaded guilty, while another 170 have been convicted on at least one charge related to the events of that day.

Source: Various news outlets