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Trump Unleashes Five-Minute Rant on Tim Walz’s DNC Speech on Fox & Friends

Donald Trump launched into a tirade for five uninterrupted minutes following criticism from Minnesota Governor Tim Walz during his speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

On the third night of the DNC, Walz, accepting the vice presidential nomination, delivered a powerful address. He highlighted Trump’s connections to a controversial plan known as Project 2025. This criticism prompted Trump’s lengthy and agitated response on Fox & Friends just hours later.

During the segment, one of the hosts asked Trump about the “numerous lies” that Walz and other Democrats had been disseminating at the convention in Chicago. The former president was specifically questioned about Walz’s assertions linking him and running mate JD Vance to the Project 2025 strategy.

In his remarks, Walz expressed concern about the ramifications of Project 2025 for ordinary Americans, emphasizing that it would complicate life for many. He stated, “They spent a lot of time pretending they know nothing about this.”

Utilizing his experience as a high school football coach, Walz insisted, “When somebody takes the time to draw up a playbook, they’re gonna use it.”

Despite this, Trump recently claimed on Truth Social that he was unaware of the far-right blueprint designed for a potential second term, which suggests enhancing presidential powers and replacing civil service employees with loyalists. This assertion seems inconsistent with Vance’s recent praise for the Project 2025 leader in a foreword he wrote for an upcoming book.

In his fiery response to Walz, Trump branded him a “total lightweight” and claimed Walz wasn’t a genuine coach but just a “semi coach.” He dismissed Walz’s comments about Project 2025 as “disgraceful.”

Trump stated, “They know I have nothing to do with it. I had no idea what it was. A group of people got together and drew up some conservative values, very conservative values. Perhaps they went over the line, perhaps they didn’t. I have no idea what Project 2025 is, but they use it and they know it.”

His rant took a contentious turn as he linked the allegations surrounding Project 2025 to the violence in Charlottesville, where white supremacists held a rally after the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. Trump previously remarked that there were “very fine people on both sides.” He reiterated that those claims were “totally discredited.”

Trump’s comments became increasingly chaotic, as he shifted topics to suggest that President Biden might be forced out of the 2024 race due to a conspiracy within his own party. He subsequently began criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris.

Tim Walz approaches the stage to deliver his keynote speech and accept the vice presidential nomination during the third night of the DNC (EPA)

The monologue then devolved into a series of unrelated complaints. Trump labeled the vice president a “radical left lunatic,” commented on crime in her home state of California, and noted his supposed affection for the military.

He warned, “If she became president, if this country would turn out to be a big version of San Francisco or a big version of California itself.” He accused Walz and others of discussing various topics that they know have been “totally discredited.”

Bolstering his claims regarding the military, Trump insisted, “There’s nobody that loves the military more than me. Nobody did more for the military. I rebuilt the military.” This segment drew a brief interruption from host Brian Kilmeade, but Trump continued his monologue.

Later, Trump made unverified allegations against Democrats regarding “fraudulent job numbers.” He claimed, “They defrauded the people of our country with the job numbers. You saw that 818,000 fake jobs they put on the rolls….They thought they were going to keep those numbers until right after the election, when they could announce a revision. But they weren’t able to do that because they had a leaker and somebody leaked the numbers.”

Source: various news outlets