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Trump Voters Split on Harris’ Progress: Some Deny It, Others Express Worry

WILKES-BARRE, PA — At a rally on Saturday, supporters of Donald Trump filled the parking lot, eagerly waiting to enter and hear him speak. Virginia resident Michelle Kessler, wearing a pink MAGA hat and a “Women for Trump” shirt, expressed disbelief at polls suggesting Kamala Harris has gained ground in the presidential race. “Look at all this. Trump has a huge following. Harris does not have a following,” she asserted.

Many attendees at the Wilkes-Barre arena echoed Kessler’s sentiments, brushing aside the notion that Harris was gaining momentum. Despite their enthusiasm, some were less confident. Jim Otto from Nazareth, PA, admitted, “It’s tight,” voicing concerns that Harris could be appealing to voters in an emotionally charged way.

The mood among Trump supporters seemed mixed. While many were optimistic about Trump’s chances, others felt uneasy about the tightness of the race. There was a sense of frustration with Harris, whom they accused of avoiding the media and not addressing pressing issues.

Inside the rally atmosphere, a range of emotions was evident. Attendees expressed denial over any perceived struggles Trump might be facing and frustration with what they called Harris’ “hiding” tactics. Nonetheless, they wanted Trump to strengthen his campaign efforts heading into the Democratic National Convention, fearing Harris might gain even more support.

Some supporters raised concerns about Trump’s consistency in delivering his message. They asked for more focus on everyday issues like inflation. Others, however, enjoyed his personal jabs at opponents, seeing them as part of his charm.

In Wilkes-Barre, Trump aims to draw attention to key issues while rallying his base for the 2024 election.

Trump is expected to counter Harris’s rise by campaigning vigorously in swing states. His forthcoming schedule includes daily public events as he aims to reclaim the narrative amid a dynamic electoral landscape. Observers note that his campaign ramped up its efforts in recent weeks, focusing on rallies and public appearances that resonate with voters.

Despite these efforts, Trump’s team is struggling to define Harris, leading to worries among his most dedicated supporters. Many are concerned that history might repeat itself, recalling how President Joe Biden narrowly secured victory in 2020. “Joe Biden beat him four years ago, and basically, Kamala is doing what Biden did,” cautioned Lewis Yost, a retired corrections officer from Lockwood, New York.

As Trump geared up to speak at the rally, his aides were strategizing to counter the Democratic convention. They believe Harris will benefit from the convention momentum, which is typical for major party nominees. Anticipating a rise in her polling, they are planning events in battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, in the coming week.

Polling data indicated that sentiments toward Harris could shift positively following the convention, which began on Monday. Trump’s advisors are keenly aware of this and are looking to address voter concerns regarding economic issues, inflation, and crime in their messaging.

Trump Rally
Trump rallies his base in Wilkes-Barre, emphasizing key electoral issues as the race heats up.

There’s also a sense of urgency among his supporters for him to focus on critical issues rather than personal attacks. Opinions from the rally indicated a desire for Trump to stick to policies that resonate deeply with voters, particularly concerning the economy.

Wilkes-Barre attendees expressed the same concerns. Yost mentioned the need for Trump to reduce personal attacks, saying, “If he just focused on the issues, he should be good.” He believes that recalling the successes and failures of Trump’s previous term is essential for voters.

As the crowd gathered outside the Mohegan Sun Arena, a festive atmosphere filled the air. Supporters tailgated, vendors sold Trump merchandise, and the parking lot buzzed with excitement. Many supporters, like Jason Koch, acknowledged that the race is “tightening up,” but he remained confident in Trump’s position.

In conversations, rallygoers consistently criticized Harris for what they perceive as her avoidance of media appearances. They believe her rising poll numbers stem from a lack of familiarity, arguing that once more voters know her stances, they will reconsider their support.

As the rally proceeded, Trump began by addressing economic issues, lamenting inflation trends under Biden and Harris. However, he soon veered off into personal attacks, labeling Harris a “lunatic” and commenting on their physical appearances, asserting he was “much better looking” than her.

Looking ahead to the Democratic convention, Trump predicted chaos and labeled it a “rigged event,” questioning Harris’s legitimacy. The Harris campaign dismissed the rally, emphasizing that Trump’s rhetoric is merely a repetitive narrative that detracts from meaningful progress.

Amidst all these discussions and predictions, the overarching sentiment remains that the upcoming months leading to the election will be critical, and how both candidates manage their messages will significantly influence voter outcomes.

Source: USA Today