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Trump’s nephew reveals family secrets in new book

Fred Trump III’s book All in the Family. Composite: Gallery Books, Guardian Design

All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, a 352-page book, offers an in-depth and captivating exploration of the turbulent dynamics within the Trump family. With input from Ellis Henican, Chris Christie’s co-author and a Fox News commentator, Fred Trump III crafts a well-paced narrative that keeps readers engrossed.

The author, son of the late Fred Trump Jr and nephew to Donald Trump, portrays his uncle as a jerk, vindictive, and unable to accept responsibility. “In my family that sometimes seems like the cast of a 1950s sitcom, my uncle Donald had a role of his own,” writes Fred III. “He was the obnoxious one.”

Fred III delves deep into Donald Trump’s personality, describing traits such as determination and a quick temper that manifested early in life. Over time, these traits worsened, shaping the man the world came to know. The book highlights Trump’s tendency to shirk responsibility, a behavior exemplified by his reactions to electoral losses, such as those to Joe Biden in 2020 and Ted Cruz in the 2016 Iowa Caucus. If Trump fails to win, he claims the system is rigged.

Fred Trump III is a New York real estate executive, working outside the Trump Organization. He and his wife, Lisa, campaign for the rights of disabled people, as their son William suffers from a lifelong neurological disability. The book describes the challenges they face and the care William needs.

During his teenage years, Donald Trump was sent to military school, where he excelled among the cadets but struggled to lead effectively when given high responsibility. This pattern mirrored his later behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic, where he placed the burden of care on state governors and argued that more testing would create more cases. At the time, an administration insider noted, “The Trump organism is simply collapsing. He’s killing his own supporters.”

Fred Trump III’s father, the black sheep of the family, struggled with alcoholism and died young. After his death, Fred C Trump, the family patriarch, disinherited Fred III and his sister Mary at Donald Trump’s urging. Despite their son’s condition and mounting bills, Donald Trump, who initially helped cover costs, eventually became reluctant. In a heartbreaking recount, Fred III shares a conversation where Trump suggested letting William die and moving to Florida.

Racism also features prominently in the book. Bannon, a former Trump insider, speculated about Trump’s racist tendencies, and Fred Trump III confirms it with personal anecdotes. For instance, Trump once used a racial slur after someone vandalized his white Cadillac convertible in the 1970s. The Trump campaign, however, quickly issued a denial, labeling the claims as “fabricated” and “fake news.”

Bannon compared Trump’s infamous ride to announce his candidacy to the Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will. Mary Trump, another family member, has also commented on Trump’s racism, supporting Fred III’s portrayal with her own family’s experiences.

Fred Trump III has never supported his uncle politically. He voted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, explicitly stating his opposition to the reversal of abortion rights through the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. The book also addresses Trump’s scandal involving Stormy Daniels and the ensuing convictions. With Trump now facing Kamala Harris, race and sex will undoubtedly be central themes in the upcoming election.

“America isn’t close to finished with the Trumps,” Fred Trump III concludes. “And neither, it seems, am I.”

Source: The Guardian