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Tune Twist Trivia: Session 2

In Tune Twist, we take the lyrics of a popular song and run them through multiple language translations, before bringing them back into English. Your challenge is to figure out the song or the artist from the mangled lyrics. Ready to test your deciphering skills and musical knowledge? Give it a shot below.

Here’s the lyric after being translated back and forth through several languages:

I just want to express my feelings.
I have to understand you.
I will not fail you.
I will not let you go.
I will never run away from you and leave you behind.
You never cry.
I never say goodbye.
I would never lie or hurt you.

Think you know what song it is? Type the name of the song or the artist into the box below to see if you’ve got it right!


  • Never Gonna Give You Up
  • Rick Astley

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Source: Multiple