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TV Roles Recast Due to Tragic Circumstances

Primetime soap opera “Dynasty” received a fresh update with its 2017 reboot, featuring a diverse ensemble cast that included Elizabeth Gillies, Rafael de la Fuente, Robert Christopher Riley, Sam Adegoke, and Nicolette Sheridan. Sheridan took on the role of Alexis Carrington, the ex-wife of billionaire Blake Carrington, played by Grant Show.

However, when Alexis returned in Season 3, she was portrayed by series regular Elizabeth Gillies, who typically played Alexis’s daughter, Fallon. This casting change came as a result of Sheridan stepping away from the series. In a statement explaining her decision, Sheridan revealed that, while working on the show had been a career highlight, she had more pressing personal matters to attend to. “The chance to spend precious time with my terminally ill mother is more important to me right now,” she stated. Sheridan’s mother, a former actor, had recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer.

“She’s my hero,” Sheridan shared with “I feel blessed that I’m able to be here in Los Angeles with her and be by her side at this part of her journey.” As a result of Sheridan’s departure, Elizabeth Gillies underwent heavy makeup and a storyline involving Alexis recovering from extensive plastic surgery. This temporary switch paved the way for Elaine Hendrix to take over the role permanently in Seasons 4 and beyond.

Source: ET,