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Twelve Confirmed Dead as Migrant Boat Breaks Apart Off French Coast

At least a dozen migrants lost their lives after a boat capsized while attempting to cross the English Channel, as reported by the French Interior Minister. Many individuals found themselves in perilous waters during this tragic event.

“Unfortunately, the bottom of the boat ripped open,” said Le Portel Mayor Olivier Barbarin, referring to the incident near the fishing port of Boulogne-sur-Mer, where a first aid station was established to help the affected. “It’s a big drama,” he added, expressing the gravity of the situation.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin confirmed that 12 people died in what he described as a “terrible shipwreck,” noting that two individuals remain missing, in addition to several injuries. The numbers reported by French officials have varied, indicating some uncertainty in the aftermath of the tragedy.

Mayor Barbarin suggested that at least 13 fatalities had occurred. This figure was corroborated by a maritime rescue official who spoke anonymously to the AP news agency, as he was not authorized to disclose details about the ongoing operation.

Etienne Baggio, a spokesperson for the French maritime prefecture that oversees this particular stretch of the Channel, indicated that “more than 10” individuals had perished, although he could not provide a precise count. According to the prefecture, the boat ran into difficulties near Gris-Nez point.

Both Baggio and the mayor confirmed that rescuers had managed to retrieve 61 people from the sea.

Sea temperatures off the northern coast of France were approximately 20 degrees Celsius, or around 68 degrees Fahrenheit, making the conditions for such a perilous crossing particularly concerning.

According to the International Organization for Migration, at least 30 migrants have died or gone missing while attempting to cross into the U.K. this year alone. This represents an ongoing and tragic trend fueling concerns over safety in one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.

Data from the U.K. Home Office reveals that more than 2,100 migrants have attempted to cross the English Channel on small boats in just the past week. This figure includes individuals who have either been found at sea or who arrived on shore. Factors including increasingly strict asylum regulations across Europe, coupled with rising xenophobia and the often harsh treatment of migrants, have contributed to a surge in attempted crossings.

The perilous journey across the English Channel has always been fraught with danger, and this incident highlights the risks faced by those seeking a better life in the U.K. As governments grapple with the challenges of migration, stories like this remind us of the human cost at stake. The tragic loss of life serves as a somber wake-up call about the dire circumstances that drive people to undertake such dangerous crossings.

As this grim chapter in the ongoing migration crisis unfolds, it is imperative for policymakers and humanitarian organizations alike to find viable solutions that ensure the safety of those seeking refuge while addressing the broader issues at play.

Source: CBS News