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Twisty Shudder Horror Movie Introduces the Perfect Villain for the Digital Age

  • Madison’s experience in *Influencer* underscores the dangers of losing oneself in the digital realm, leading to inauthenticity and disconnection.
  • The film presents a clever and frightening antagonist in Cassandra Naud’s CW, who leverages social media knowledge to exploit and harm influencers, showcasing the dark aspect of online platforms.
  • *Influencer* is a stark examination of digital culture, displaying how public perception can twist to ruin lives, prompting viewers to consider the impact of social media.

In a society where much of our daily interactions take place online, it’s no wonder that many horror movies delve into the shadowy side of social media. Films like *Sissy* and *Unfriended: Dark Web* explore the eerie potentials of online platforms, revealing various levels of success in addressing these issues. However, no film has so poignantly captured the hidden sadness and terrifying prospects of social media as the 2022 film *Influencer*.

Directed by Kurtis David Harder, this Shudder film centers on an influencer vacationing in Thailand. Feeling increasingly disenchanted with her highly public life, she finds herself stranded when her passport is stolen. She meets someone who promises fun and safety, which is when the movie introduces one of the most intelligent and terrifying villains in horror cinema. This character showcases how someone with deep social media knowledge and hatred can manipulate public perception and ruin lives, brutally dissecting all things digital.

*Influencer* stars Emily Tennant as Madison, a popular social media influencer who feels lonely and bored in Thailand despite what she portrays to her Instagram followers. Reflecting on her boyfriend’s canceled trip, she meets CW, a fearless traveler played by Cassandra Naud, who offers to show her stunning locales and genuine experiences. Together, they explore enchanting sights, indulge in local cuisine, and discuss the stark contrast between Madison’s online presence and CW’s lack of one. However, their adventure takes a dark twist when CW leads Madison to a deserted island.

Before turning into outright horror, *Influencer* reveals the grim realities of Madison’s life, which she unknowingly surrendered to the masses. Superficially, Madison appears to be living the dream, vacationing in Thailand and documenting her experiences on social media. However, her bitterness is evident in her disinterested stares at beautiful sights and distressing conversations with other influencers who seem more interested in her account than in her.

Feeling disconnected extends to Madison’s relationship with her boyfriend Ryan, portrayed by Rory Saper. The person who helped her gain a massive following and planned this couple’s trip decides not to join her. Madison realizes how hollow she has become after dedicating her life to an audience rather than herself. Without passion, social media influencing can result in lives filled with fake experiences and people who only pretend to care.

The situation worsens when Madison returns to her room to find her passport stolen. This leads to a breakup with Ryan, who suspects she orchestrated the theft, and leaves her stranded in Thailand. However, moments before the break-in, Madison befriends CW, an enigmatic traveler who dazzles her with freedom and adventure. Madison joins CW on various escapades, experiencing genuine happiness for the first time in a long while, until CW abandons her on a remote island in the middle of the ocean.

In a chilling monologue, CW explains her intention to leave Madison to perish, revealing her unique brand of villainy. CW continues posting as if she were Madison, using advanced coding skills to create fake images, voices, and videos. This grounded portrayal emphasizes how possible these actions are, aided by influencers who continuously post their whereabouts, allowing CW to target them.

CW is an ominous presence, exploiting the vulnerabilities of those obsessed with public perception. Naud skillfully portrays CW’s menacing calm, keeping audiences on edge. CW targets influencers, viewing them as shallow individuals disconnected from reality. By stranding them, she forces them to confront their survival without external validation, exposing their fragility.

While *Influencer* critiques social media culture, its horror elements may overshadow the message. CW’s beliefs about the flawed digital system are validated by Madison’s experience. The film highlights how easily online interactions can dehumanize people and how reclaiming one’s humanity can be empowering. In contrast, CW’s loss of empathy showcases the dangerous consequences of disconnecting from the human aspect of online presence, creating a stark commentary on today’s digital culture.

Available on Shudder in the U.S.

Source: Collider