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Two Unrequited Love Declarations on The Bachelorette Season 21

The Fantasy Suites episode of The Bachelorette season 21 was visually stunning thanks to its Hawaiian setting. However, it fell short on expressions of love. Devin, who has consistently voiced his feelings for Jenn, continued to show his affection both in words and actions, but it’s taking an emotional toll on him.

Devin once again told Jenn that he loves her; unfortunately, she couldn’t reciprocate. She remained silent both at dinner and after their night in the Fantasy Suite. This lack of response has left Devin feeling insecure about their relationship. He shared his emotional struggles with host Jesse Palmer, admitting that he feels unloved and uncertain of his place on the show.

Devin expressed his desire to feel like Jenn’s top choice, but feels like their relationship is one-sided. He appreciates that his love is helping her grow, but it’s hurting him as their emotional investment seems unequal. This prompted Devin to confront Jenn, likely to ask if she loves him. As hinted in the preview for the next episode, a difficult conversation is on the horizon that may lead to Devin leaving the show.

Interestingly, Jenn did say “I love you” in this episode, but it was to Marcus. His inability to say it back left Jenn in a similar position to Devin. Jenn accepted that Marcus wasn’t ready to return the sentiment and realized that he’s not as emotionally invested as she is. This brings us closer to the finale with Marcus still unsure about the depth of his feelings for Jenn.

In his private interviews, Marcus admitted to questioning if he’s trying to force a connection due to the fast-paced nature of the show. Despite these doubts, he accepted Jenn’s invitation to the Fantasy Suite, which did seem to bring them closer. Still, Jenn faces a significant decision about who will stay for the finale, especially with no guarantee of Marcus’s love or readiness to propose.

As for Jonathan, he and Jenn continued to enjoy each other’s company. However, from an outside perspective, it’s unclear if their relationship is truly progressing. There were no love declarations exchanged, and although they discussed raising a mixed family, it seems they might not be as far along in their relationship as they should be at this point in the season.

The next episode will be the Men Tell All. Stay tuned for more updates!

Source: Hidden Remote